Wanna Tour a Frank Lloyd Wright House Tonight at 6:00?

It's free! And I bet you never even knew the house was there!!! And, the house will be impacted by the two new developments proposed for Webster St (hotel and apartments)

County’s “Buy Local” Ordinance Made More Effective

Wish the city would re-visit theirs and make it stronger!

Reality of the New Tenant Landlord Laws Sinking In

One painful interaction at a time.

Corporate Prom!

Do you have your prom dress ready? Your tuxedo and flowers for your girl? Have you lobbied your friends to vote for you for prom king and queen? You only have until tomorrow!

Real Life Heros – City Staff and Homeless Man

Wow, I'm so proud to know both people who came to the rescue and saved the life of a woman who was distraught over potentially being evicted by the CDA

Is Today The Day Democracy Dies?

And then they came for democracy . . . Sounds dramatic and traumatic, but today is going to be an ugly day at the capital, perhaps worse than Act 10. While many people are focused on school vouchers, at the exact same time, something that has a much more far reaching effect, on everything, every issue that legislators and even local governments vote on.

D-Day for Public Education

Today is the day that we have been discussing for weeks. Today is the day that the legislature starts discussing public school...

There Just Isn’t Enough Outrage for What Republicans are Doing to Our State

On Friday, when most people weren't paying attention . . . students were the latest victims. Why?

Assembly Votes Today To Destroy Tenant Rights

At 5am this morning, I found out about 9 amendments to AB183 that the Assembly will be voting on today at 1:00 or at some time after that. Guess I better quick figure out what these amendments do . . . .

Others Weigh in on Privatization of Schools.

It's not just me pointing out that the republicans, led by Scott Walker, want to privatize(and profit from) public education. Let's take...

TRC Board Rarely Speaks Out About Legislation

But not this time! AB183 Will Harm Both Tenants and Landlords - Tenant Resource Center Board of Directors Speaks Out in Opposition of Bill Being Voted on Tomorrow

Mayor and Council Say Madison Should have Local Control! Don’t ruin our communities!

They are better Republicans than the Republicans in the Assembly . . . could the City be headed to court to challenge Local Control and Uniformity? I wish. I really don't know, but the mayor raises a really, really good issue (read why I love this mayor even tho we don't always agree!). Best quote: Ald. Lauren Cnare "this is about more than being mean to renters, its about ruining neighborhoods"!