
State of Wisconsin news.

Donate to help Asylum-Seeker Edin Omar Ponce Valazquez

This is from Voces de la Frontera - 3 days left to donate to help get Edin released from ICE detention.

High Speed Rail Meeting in Madison Tuesday

WISDOT will be holding a meeting on high speed rail in Madison Tuesday night from 5 to 7pm, at the Crowne Plaza, 4402 East Washington Avenue. You can help promote high speed rail by attending!

New Tenants’ Rights Attack from the State

Looks like the are planning to rush this (New Attack on Tenants' Rights) through . . .

Monday Morning Round Up . . .

Here's what I have . . . hopefully caught up from last week . . . I think I heard a loon...

The Week Ahead, Take II

Yesterday, the City added a record 10 meetings to the weekly schedule, giving little functional notice to the public. Here's the meetings that were added and what might be of interest and you might want to change your plans for today or tomorrow.

He who must not be named….

There is an incredible amount of fake outrage on the right regarding Anthony Weiner, from head nerd Reince Priebus on down. ...

Own an Old House?

If you own an old house, like many of us in the downtown area do, these workshops might be of interest to you! ...

Purge the Merge and other Village Business

The Village/Town of Cottage Grove merger talks merger talks have been put on hold. I have written before on the...

Tenant’s Rights Attack – 33 more changes!

Late yesterday afternoon we learned of the newest attack on tenant rights. I gotta admit, when the Republicans attack tenants, they do it completely and thoroughly - and the particularly hate Madison, Fitchburg and Dane County tenants. Check out the long list of things they will be changing if successful.

Smokin’ Hot – by Mary Jo Walters

This is now a blog post in a comment block, thanks Tori!

Primary Day!!

Tuesday February 19, 2013 is Wisconsin Primary Day! There are only a couple races on the ballot, but these races are very important!...

Blog-o-mania: Budget and more.

In addition to the budget updates (Capital budget notes and start of the Operating Budget) there are quite a few announcements that are worth...