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State of Wisconsin news.


The talks between the Town of Cottage Grove and the Village of Cottage Grove have been continually advancing (as has the cost to the...

Please stand by . . .

There is a post or two that will be done by 11:00 . . . just too much to do this morning!

Friday Round Up

Stayed up too late . . . check back after 10:30.Sorry, none today, too busy . . .

Board of Estimates Preview of Things to Come . . .

This was what happened at the Board of Estimates before they got to the capital budget . . . rifles for cops is...

Will Kathleen Falk Miss the Swearing in of New Supervisors Week Ahead?

Ashes, ashes . . . our executive leaders are and the lobbyists are all stuck in Europe, when will they return? Weekly schedule...

Round Up

A few quickies . . . too busy at work this week . . . HMMM, THIS BLOG STILL ALIVE?I was kind of interested...

Ooops, Major Screw Up in Tenant/landlord Legislation

I've been frantically trying to figure this all out this weekend . . . what do the new laws really mean, what are the arguments that tenants and landlords should make while going to small claims court, but I didn't even think of this one since I'm focused on residential . . . check this out!

This is What Democracy Cooks Like

They're here!

Parisi To Resign on Thursday!

From the Assembly! (Not County Executive!) There are already several people running for his seat and more jumping in.

27 or 32 Minute County Board Recap

Another short night! I'm getting spoiled . . . GETTING STARTEDYou can tell elections are coming up, several people are taking what...

Water Quality Update

Here's the latest from staff:In the February 15, 2008 issue of the Water Quality update: - Well Status Report- Water Quality Test...

Is a Rollback of Car Insurance Minimum Coverage Needed?

On the surface there seems to be a tension between protecting people from a relatively slight risk of excessive bodily injury costs versus saving an inconclusive amount of money on their insurance. Why not provide both? Keep the 2009 minimums and help Wisconsin motorists save money by promoting Pay As You Drive (PAYD) car insurance to allow Wisconsin's drivers to control their costs. As an added benefit, research has shown that PAYD can reduce crash rates and congestion.