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State of Wisconsin news.

This is news? Does it help or hurt?

How is this news?Someone-had-an-idea-and-one-guy-on-the-council-says-we're-not-going-to-do-it.Ok, I was not concerned about the conversion from paper to digital Cap Times, but I have to say, I am...

How do you get that "free" converter box?

That box to convert to digital so you can watch City Channel 12, soon to be 994, isn't so free after all. But...

When "Free Land" Costs "the City" $425,000 plus ???

The Plan Commission, without looking at the fiscal impacts, and with some pieces of the documents missing, approved the plan for the Truman Olson...

An Excuse for a New TV?

If your television is more than 4 years old . . . you might not be able to watch Madison City Channel, Channel 12,...

Madison Lakes: To Eat the Fish or Not?

Or, at least warn people what they are eating! Here's an email I got from the Madison Environmental Justice Organization with some good...

Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente

I'm still kind of overwhelmed by the Green Party Convention last weekend. You just have to see this for yourself.I blogged about my...

Green Party National Convention – Day Three

The day of the nomination . . . after two full days of workshops and meetings, we are finally at the point where we...

Faces of the Green Party

The face of the Green Party looks alot different than it did 4 years ago. It really struck me as people were reading...

Green Party National Convention – Day Two

Day Two - lots to do!I started my day moderating a press conference for the Green Party U.S. Congressional and Senate candidates. I...

Green Party National Convention – Day One

So far, the Green Party National Convention has failed to disappoint me. Going to these types of events always makes me anxious and...

3 hours, 40 people, ignored. Fork over more money.

Is this the CDA that promised that it was "more open than any other developer" and that it had the best interests of the...

Green Party In Chicago!

I'll be spending the next four days with Green Party activists from all over the United States. It should not only be informative...