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State of Wisconsin news.

The County This Week . . . Kinda, Sorta

I had to look for work anyways . . . so here it is . . . things of interest at the county ....

Road Construction Info!

The city has a new webpage . . . All the info you need to know about road construction projects can be found here.

Dane County Board Recap – Interoperable Radio System (Dane Com) Part II

Ok, it's past noon, but hey . . . this is what you get for free! :) And sorry, I always save...

Collective Bargaining

Recently, former Monona City Administrator Dave Berner, a "guest editorial" regarding the evils of collective bargaining. While working on my response...

Immigration as a Moral Issue – Day Two

Slowly catching up on everything, here is day two of this series - Leila Pine and Ramona Natera discuss immigration issues and the laws.

Madison City Council does what Sarkozy won’t!

But hey, it wasn't political.Sarkozy is refusing to meet with the Dalia Lama. He doesn't want to offend China during the Olympics. ...

It is Thursday, So Here’s a Round Up

You know the routine . . .

I finally did it . . .

Yup - I finally did it, my very own blog.I have my own website that is sorely in need of attention, I participate in...

Another Edgewater Wrinkle

Dealing with the condition of approval this way doesn't concern me as much as the ability to conform with historic preservation standards. It...

Brenda’s Blog This Week

I worked an extra 20 hours in the last two weeks, so I only need to work 20 this week, and I've already worked...

Salvation Army Cuts Sunday Morning Community Meals

More service cuts, Tenant Resource Center, Community Action Coalition . . . and now, the Salvation Army

New Rule – Voting

New Rule: When the Wisconsin Republican Party, prosecutes BS likes this: n the town of Albion, new residents and young people who have...