
State of Wisconsin news.

Madison Lakes: To Eat the Fish or Not?

Or, at least warn people what they are eating! Here's an email I got from the Madison Environmental Justice Organization with some good...

Representative Gary Hebl Listening Sessions

Representative Gary Hebl will be holding listening sessions in both Cottage Grove and Sun Prairie before next Tuesday's election! For Immediate Release ...

No Loitering in Parks!

Another Park: More Rules, More Cameras.I meant to go to the Parks meeting on Wednesday, but was working and ran out of time...

Cracking the Conservative Transportation Frame

With a promised audit of WISDOT in the works, now is a good time to reflect on how conservatives on Wisconsin’s joint audit committee...

Is it working?

Recently, Monona Grove Elementary teacher Jeff Knudson was the "star" of an ad for Scott Walker. Mr. Knutson looked directly into the...

The Mitch Henck Maneuver

Mitch Henck has been a voice in Madison for quite some time. I do not know Mitch Henck personally, but have listened to...

My Testimony

The Monona Grove School District recently held series of public hearings regarding proposed budget reductions in the district. As a district...

State Transportation Up at 2pm Today

UPDATE: JFC will not be taking up Transportation Today according to the latest memo.  JFC will meet at 2:30pm today to take up issues listed...

Cottage Grove – Leadership Institute

It has been said that the people lead and the government follows. There have been many examples of this throughout history. Pressure...

Paul Ryan Ignores Meeting Request from Jobless Constituents, Locks Them Out

Giving Forward Lookout a sneak peek at this piece, which is running in Socialist Worker tomorrow. We socialists are cool and like to share...

So Far State Officials Can’t Prove Roads Grow Economy

If you have been reading my recent posts at Forward Lookout, you are aware that I have been sending out a series of open...

The Value Of Cindy Archer

If you have not heard by now, one of Scott Walkers closest allies, Cynthia Archer, was recently promoted to a civil service job where...