Merit Pay In Education -A Case Study

The Wausau Daily Herald recently penned an Op-Ed stating that under the last legislative session school reform "took a step forward" The reforms establish...

Is it safe to eat fish from our lakes?

Join the Madison Environmental Justice Organization to discuss this topic:Ever wonder about that "most studied lakes in the world" tag you hear about Madison...

Show me what democracy looks like….

PLEASE!!! Here in cottage grove, we found out last night, that we have a royal family and no one is allowed in...

Cottage Grove Politics

April brings us another election and in Cottage Grove, WI it brings us almost full circle. In the April elections bring the Village...

SEIU Heathcare WI want Ballots Impounded & Recounted

Revelation by Waukesha Republican Official with Known Credibility Issues is Questionable & Eerily Familiar to Previous GOP Efforts to Disenfranchise Voters, Re-Write History

Details of How Tenants Are Going to Get Screwed

So, we finally finished (as much as humanly possible) the analysis of the "modernization" of landlord-tenant law bill- this is the best we could do to explain the bill and issues in plain English.

Snow Part II – A Peculiar Discussion During Budget

This is part II of a five part series. This one, was just odd. The Mayor has a public discussion about who...

Today’s Guest: YOU, THE VOTER!

Who's the most important person today? You! That is why YOU are the guest on A Public Affair today! Call in today from noon - 1:00 at 256-2001 or toll free(866) 899-WORT (9678) and tell us about your election day!

3 hours, 40 people, ignored. Fork over more money.

Is this the CDA that promised that it was "more open than any other developer" and that it had the best interests of the...

Preview of Council Discussion on Chronic Nuisance Ordinance

Here's what the CCOC had to say . . . Housing takes it up tomorrow (or today/Wednesday) and PSRB has yet to act on...

Teacher Appreciation

From My email inbox: If you love to cook/bake you may already know Penzeys, the wonderful Wisc-based spice and herb store. Their newest catalog...

Hulsey Really Blows It – Not Trustworthy.

Spencer Black rethinking his endorsement. Kristin has a big chunk of the story. Here's the latest statement: Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 9:24...