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Local Media Coverage of City Hall

So, is news coverage of local government dying?Tuesday night it was striking to many that the press row in the back of the room...

Progressive Dane – Myth vs. Facts #1 – 3

Much is said about Progressive Dane, about half of it seems to be untrue. Especially if you read a particular blog. So,...

When "the City" does Stupid Things

This morning, here's what I found when I came to work . . .When I drove up, a City of Madison truck was just...

Compton and Konkel Together – Also Trouble

Um . . . two in one day? First I agree with Brandon, now Compton? And two different papers reporting these two...

Brandon and Konkel Together

It's a lovefest!We're doomed.As most council members know (and love to joke about), when there is a Bradon/Konkel or, ahem, Konkel/Brandon agreement, we usually...

The City’s Hiring Process – White Men Do Well.

I've been staring at the 2007 numbers that show where people bomb out of the hiring process for the City of Madison based on...

Where’d you get that sign?

When I had one of these signs in my yard, I was often asked . . . Where'd you get that sign. Well,...

Hold your breath.

For the next two days.Or so suggests one of the local kings of sarcasm on one of the neighborhood listserves. Why? The...

Now we’re cookin’! (For TRC)

How do you think these local judges are going to rate these area chefs with these "secret ingredients"?Avocado Battle - Mike Jacob, Jim Kellerman,...

Police – Why is timely information so hard to get?

First, a compliment!The downtown police Captain Mary Schauf and the person assigned to the Tenney Lapham Neighborhood Tim Radke have been WONDERFUL to work...

Common Council Economic Development Plan Discussion Recap/Comments

Discussion - sorry, no time for that!Last night, the following alders attended the "discussion" on the City's Economic Development Plan: Satya Rhodes-Conway, Tim...

We paid $50,000 for this?

This is what we get for an Economic Development Plan? Seriously? Even the Economic Development Commission didn't think much of it and...