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State of Wisconsin news.

Snow. &*^%$! Snow.

I'm so sick of the snow I can hardly do another post about it. Apparently, according to Channel 3, out of the last...

That Poor City Treasurer’s Office

I think its been years since they have had someone permanently (for more than 3 months) in charge in the office. Here's the...

Where will the snow go?

According to Al Schumacher, the Streets Superintendent . . . in your driveway. Here's his note:We are expected to get blasted with...

What Should the Future of Coal in Downtown Madison Be?

Is your grey house actually white? Recently developed breathing issues you never had before? Often wonder what those smoke stacks are spewing...

Water Quality Update

Here's the latest from staff:In the February 15, 2008 issue of the Water Quality update: - Well Status Report- Water Quality Test...

What’s in a name change?

Reorganizations of departments are usually a way of doing something no one really wants to say we are doing. Shuffling around a bad...

A bloggers dilemna: Today’s topic is . . .

My list of things to blog is piling up faster than I know what to do with., but I did find a kind of...

What’s in a roll call vote?

One of the Mayor's big complaints about me . . . er, "that alder that had 44 of the 120 amendments", ...

TONIGHT: James Madison Park Neighborhood

For one of the smallest neighborhood groups in Madison as far as geography goes, there is alot going on between Blair and the Capitol...

Mountains out of Molehills and the Budget – Keeping Score

Yesterday, the Board of Estimates managed to make a mountain out of a molehill when they considered the resolution I submitted asking for suggestions...

Vicki McKenna, Afraid of Debate?

So, I took a week off from blogging and there is so much to catch up on. One of the things that happened...

Blog-o-mania: Budget and more.

In addition to the budget updates (Capital budget notes and start of the Operating Budget) there are quite a few announcements that are worth...