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State of Wisconsin news.

The City’s Pest Control Program

In 2004, the City of Madison revised our policy regarding Pest Management on City properties in an effort to eliminate or further reduce pesticide...

Money Making or Good Citizenship Opportunity

I've been asked to help spread the word, so here it is! Election Officials Sought for Downtown and Madison's South SideThe Madison City...

Moratorium on Downtown Alcohol Licenses doesn’t add up.

In the blur of the last month, there are a few things that I haven't paid enough attention to. I was reminded of...

Brenda the Bad Blogger

September sucked.A bad combination of lost days at work due to Labor Day, my boyfriend's mom dying, a Friday wedding, another funeral;...

Budgeting . . . and Republicans.

Today I had the opportunity to hear various state elected Democrats talk a bit about their political struggles in the legislature. I was...

Where to start . . .

You know, sometimes trying to decide what to blog about, or what not to blog about can get really confusing/overwhelming. Right now, I...

Portage Tornado, a little too close to home.

Here's something you probably didn't expect from me (for so many reasons!) but, . . . last Tuesday, as I was in the...

Big Promises . . .with other people’s money.

ARO wants to solve downtown parking . . . forever! What's the catch? . . . look who they want to...

Worth reading . . .

Interesting Paul Soglin blog on the US Chamber of Commerce . . . I especially like the last part where he debunks their "study"....

What City is this?

Q: If I told you that in the last year or so, the following elections problems have occurred: polling places ran...

Ooooooooooo, that feels good . . .

Scratchiti . . . feels good, does nothing.

Yer kidding me . . .

I was doing some research for a project I was working on and look what I found on the internal/employee city website . ....