A Biased Letter

For those who do not know, the Janesville School Board has demanded that the teachers sign contracts without actually knowing what is in them.  ...

We All Must Oppose The Expansion of School Vouchers

The Monona Grove Board of Education, building principals and district office administrators, and teachers (Monona Grove Education Association) join together to urge legislators to...

The Mockery of the Madison Media as a Meaningful Medium

The Madison School Board race has been interesting to say the least. For those of you scoring at home, three candidates declared...

Primary Day!!

Tuesday February 19, 2013 is Wisconsin Primary Day! There are only a couple races on the ballot, but these races are very important!...

Michael Brickman!

The fact that the state of education has deteriorated since Scott Walker has been in power can be summed up in two words -...

Public Housing – Making it Harder to Obtain (Please email)

Yeah, the vacancy rate is about 2%, affordable housing is impossible to obtain and so lets make it harder to get into public housing - housing of last resort for many on fixed incomes.

Scott Walker’s Infrastructure Investment Fail

The Governor provides the perfect example of why we need to dig deeper and do our homework to justify more highway improvements. Today, the average net return on highway investment has dropped below the return of leaving the money in the private sector. That means digging deeper with our research than simply looking at the businesses or municipalities asking for an improvement

Will Scott Walker Choose Superhighway Socialism?

Scott Walker will be delivering his third State of the State address tonight at 7pm. Infrastructure is among the five priorities he has been...

Permit Occassionally Required!

As the Cartoonish Chief Erwin sends his minions all over the state to issue tickets for singing in the Capitol, (purportedly for gathering in...


Governor Walker promised us(among other things) that his administration would help create 250,000 jobs. After two years(of a four year term) the...

This blows . . .

Keeping track of city and county issues are hard enough. Schools are even harder, and now the state is making it hard too . . . just as they are going back into session and I am getting anxious about new landlords/tenant legislation and worrying it will turn my work world upside down again . . . they tell me this!

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Needs Your Help!

This is an amazing organization that does amazing work . . . to keep all of us who don't have time informed of the role of money in our state politics. A watchdog with a bite! My only complaint is they don't do enough local work, and that is only because what they do is so incredible! Anyways, they got some bad news and need your help!