
State of Wisconsin news.

Police: Get Tough on Landlords and Limit Subsidized Housing

At Alder Pham-Remmele's request the Common Council members were recently forwarded an email between Alder Thuy Pham-Remmele and Captain Jay Lengfeld that I find...

Wisconsin State Journal a Division of the MacIver Institute

We all remember what happened last year, the teachers of the state, led by MTI, stormed the Capitol when ACT10 was introduced. Their...

Every Brat Has Its Thorns

"Not paying fairly, not giving a job because you are only looking at how to make a profit, that goes against God." Pope Francis Madison's...

Camp Kesem

Shameless Plug here! A charity that is very near and dear to me - Camp Kesem is having a fundraising...

Transpo Fund Amendment Will Not Deliver!

So the proponents of Wisconsin state referendum question #1, a constitutional amendment to protect the transportation fund, put out a video to convince the...

Stop Wasteful Highway Expansions, No New Transportation Taxes, Fix Local Roads First

Concerned Residents of Cities, Towns Traveling to Capitol to Tell Gov. Walker: Stop Wasteful Highway Expansions, No New Transportation Taxes, Fix Local Roads First FOR IMMEDIATE...

An Open Letter To Chris Mertes – The Sequel

A few years back, Sun Prairie Star Editor Chris Mertes wrote such a ridiculous editorial that I wrote him an open letter. Mertes has outdone...

More Complete list of Madison Ordianances in Jeopardy

This list still isn't complete, but its teh list of the Madison ordinances to protect tenants that are at risk due to LRB 1931 or now known as AB183. Hearing tomorrow at 10:00. Public_Notice_5-2-13_Housing_and_Real_Estate

CDA "Steals" African American Land, Just in Time for MLK Day

Yeah, that's what she said. SETTING THE SCENEThe CDA meeting last night was quite tense. I actually felt bad for most of...

Smokin’ Hot – by Mary Jo Walters

This is now a blog post in a comment block, thanks Tori!

Trumka- “It already has!”

I was recently given the opportunity to sit down with AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Mr. Trumka was very cordial and positive and had...

$25 State Bike Fee Possible

A followup question from Rep. Nygren to the DOT about raising fees on bicyclists has been answered in a recent Legislative Fiscal Bureau Paper...