
State of Wisconsin news.

Somewhat Inaccessible RTA Meeting Schedule

This crossed my mind when they talked about having a meeting in Fitchburg, but I was recently reminded about it again . . ....

Walker Proposes Rollback of Complete Streets

Governor Walker's budget address on February third is getting a lot of press for the $1.3 billion of borrowing for transportation, but there is...

Martin Luther King Day/Weekend Events

Mark your calendars for the the 17th and the weekend before . . .

Don’t Forget to Vote Today!

Elections today . . . kinda hard to tell, but don't forget to vote!! If you need help, here's some tips:The who what...

Rallies today, 10:30 and 4:30

I had heard noon - 3, but the South Central Federation of Labor says this: URGENT: You are needed in Madison. The whole...

Education Forum – Sept. 5

Wisconsin State Senators Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma, and Dale Schultz, R-Richland Center, are among the handful of presenters who will participate in “How Many Kids...

Maybe I am divisive….

Showing a case of Sour Grapes, former appointed Cottage Grove Village President Mike Mikalsen, submitted a LTE to our local paper attacking me....

County’s “Buy Local” Ordinance Made More Effective

Wish the city would re-visit theirs and make it stronger!

April 2nd Election Day

Today is election day and its incredibly important that we show up in force today to VOTE! I Highly recommend: 1. Ed Fallone...

WTF is Wrong With Our Media

You have all heard something about the United Sportsmen deal lately. Some quick background, it was written into law recently by Scott Suder,...

City Meeting Schedule – 14 changes in 24 hours!

Changes faster than the Wisconsin weather . . . see what has been added . . . . The weekly schedule for the City...

Teacher Pay

I wrote a LTE regarding teacher pay last year, and in Lieu of The community wide education meeting, I thought I would bring...