Random Monday Morning thoughts

Gender, City's Hiring Practices, Schools, Affordable Housing and more . . .Gender - Paul Soglin has some comments about a news article about the...

And then there were 5 . . .

A while ago I posted about the lack of women in top leadership positions in the City of Madison. And the trend continues....

Why Cottage Grove Desperately Needs a Library!

So the people in the village who so adamantly oppose the library, will not make a fool of themselves when they try and write...

I lied/Can’t Sleep Extra Round Up

So, I wasn't going to blog today, but . . . I came home last night after being sniffly all day, made...

Vicky for assembly

I attended my first ever candidate announcement the other day when Vicky Selkowe declared her candidacy for the 48th assembly district, replacing Joe Parisi....

Gender Resolutions, Expanded and Supported.

The Affirmative Action Commission, not only liked my resolutions, they expanded the scope of the information that they thought would be helpful to the...

Hariah H. Hutkowski Wants Your Money!

And he wants as much of your taxpayer money as he can get his hands on. If you live in Sun Prairie...

Dane County Conservatives(should scare you)

Today is primary election day in Wisconsin, so please go vote. I recommend Heidi Wegleitner and Carl Chenoweth. Unfortunately...

Vicki Hit A Cop!

Vicki Mckenna was asked a legitimate question recently by Dylan Brogan.  Something along the lines of "Do you think that the police at the U2...