It only took 3 hours, 14 candidates, 2 rounds of voting and 8 alders to decide. In the end, the 14 candidates were reduced to 8, 3 made it to round 2.
A blow by blow is here for round 1, round 2 and final.
Of the 14 candidates, 3 withdrew before they got there, 1 withdrew at the meeting and 2 disqualified themselves because they intend to run. Elizabeth Kohl, James Ream and Paul Sherman backed out before the interviews. So that left 11. Chris Carlsen decided he’d rather work for the City of Madison as a part-time school bus driver and withdrew during the interivews, so that left 10 candidates. Emily Kuhn and Arvina Martin both said they intended to run so then they were down to 8.
The remaining candidates were former alder Peter Anderson, former alder candidate Tyrone Bell (ran against Steve Holtzman), Albart Byran (who fell asleep by 8:00), former Alder Tim Gruber, Tom McCarthy, former alder candidate Gary Peterson, Antonio Trillo and Susan Cotten.
The alders asked some candidates no questions at all, others they asked about time commitments and if they would run again. Without discussion, they voted on paper ballots. They ranked people 1 = unacceptable, 1 = poor, 2 = acceptable and 3 = exemplary. Tyrone Bell, Tim Gruber and Gary Peterson made it to the second round where they were asked a series of 7 questions (which was actually 8).
1. Since the Race to Equity report was introduced into the City, there has been a lot of talk and action to try to remedy the inequity in our City. What action could take place in District 11 to assist in eliminating inequity?
2. What do you think is the most important issue facing District 11.
3. How would you complete the following sentence? I have taken a lead role in my neighborhood/district by . . .
4. The role of a mid-term Alder won’t be easy. You will be picking up district issues, committee work and constituent communication mid-stream. Tell us how you will go about the transition from citizen to alder.
5. In your work or volunteer endeavors, how have you engaged disparate interests on issues on which there were varying views? What was the outcome?
6. How would you engage residents that are less inclined to reach out to you directly or come to a meeting to make sure you have reflected on their perspective.
7. What strategies will you use to keep your constituents informed of the Council decisions and issues in District 11.
8. Do you plan to run for District 11 Aldermanic Seat?
Again, few questions, no discussion.
Gary Peterson’s answers were clearly the worst. Tyrone Bell and Tim Gruber both answered most questions well, but in the end, the most recent former alder won out. Which only makes sense and makes you wonder why they went through this charade in the first place. It truly was the clear answer. He’ll hit the ground running as best he can and catch up quickly.
The Common Council votes on March 1st (my apologies, I think I said several times that it was today . . . but its not, they are only introducing the resolution tonight, doh!)