Here’s when you’ll be able to give your input. There’s 4 chances and they have said that the meetings are sequential so if you miss one, they aren’t going to want to go back and discuss items they have already discussed. And, ahem, as they said at Board of Estimates, they expect you to do their homework.
Public Meetings
Pre-Concept Meeting
August 5th
(talk about services , service areas, examples, etc)
Schematic Design Meeting
September 9th
Schematic Design Meeting
October 14th
Present Final Schematic Design
November 4th
They hope for the meetings to be at the Senior Center
Internal Staff Meetings
August 6th
8:30am – noon ?
Location TBD
September 10th
8:30am – noon
Location TBD
October 15th
8:30am – noon
Plus a possible additional meeting to discuss furniture.
November 5th
8:30am – noon
Location TBD
So, there you have it, they hope to have the plans essentially done by November, but we’ll have to wait a couple months before we can start to have official input.