Channel 3000 Irresponsible Editorial.

Either they have inside information about something and are doing the bidding of the developer, or they are WAY off base. This is the editorial in question. Sorry, its about the Edgewater, but hey, they brought it up!

Here’s some of the offending language:

The last we remember new/old Mayor Paul Soglin said he wouldn’t stand in the way of the project.

He’s not, is he? If he is, how?

And given this group of city council members approved the plan we don’t understand why they’re not raising a bit of a ruckus themselves.

Well no, they didn’t. There are 5 new alders, or 25% of the council is new. Lisa Subeck, Scott Resnick, Sue Ellingson, Jill Johnson and Matt Phair did not vote on the Edgewater.

And its not the council’s job to muck around in the financing of a project, which is what most people believe is holding the project up . . . well, at least that is what they have been told REPEATEDLY by developers. Essentially, financing is private, privileged information and they should just stay out of it. So they are.

If that’s not what is holding the project up, then perhaps we need a news story that says something different.

How about it Mayor? How about it Council? Can’t we get going on this?

Wrong questions. They should be asking: How about it Bob Dunn? How about it Hammes Company? Can’t we get going on this?

Or maybe: How about it banks? How about it financing market?

And while they are at it and asking questions, can we see the Project-Labor Agreement?


  1. You’d think that the editorial director of a news organization like WISC would have enough brains to simply ask the developer what’s going on with the project. It’s pretty much out of the Mayor’s and Common Council’s hands.

    Neil Heinen is uninformed or he’s disingenuous in not mentioning that there’s still a lawsuit hanging over the project.

    Bob Dunn told the State Journal in February that the lawsuit appeal wouldn’t delay or stop the project. Mr Heinen should wake up, get off the couch and call Bob Dunn before filling space with empty editorials.

    “Edgewater hotel redevelopment faces lawsuit appeal”

    “Fred Mohs to appeal Edgewater ruling”

    “No end to Edgewater Hotel fight”

    “Laptop City Hall: Mohs, Cieslewicz meet over Edgewater lawsuit”

  2. Yeah, but I don’t blame Neil alone, its the entire editorial board that should know better. And I suspect they do know what is going on and this is part of a new PR campaign – for what, I’m not sure yet. Probably trying to protect their $8M in TIF in this year’s budget. Because they do have a new council, a new economic climate and a Walker has done a number on the local budget.

  3. I’d like to see an organized movement to creatively raise awareness about the purpose of the ignorance and misinformation created by local “news” media. Recently in NE Wis., as an example,’s “action news” on reported that the governator signed the budget bill, and that it would last 2 years. Not a word about the controversy and widespread personal harm it will cause.

  4. Wow, great work. I blame Neil Heinen, you are more objective. I have watched his questons on his Sunday show and since Soglin won he has been in deep grief (it seems to me) because now the whole city is being dealt with.

    Heinen has no appreciation for anything outside of white European music and art. I have listened to his editorials and read his writings.

    His agenda is going down the tubes. I find him to be a social bully though he would identify as being a nice guy.

    He’s a social bully for the elite agenda.


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