Chief Koval: Take Another Look

No violence, eh? Seriously? Funny how a cop looks at video and thinks there is no violence but the people being arrested feel like (and sometimes scream out in pain) there is plenty of violence. It would be one thing if people were actually doing something worth getting arrested for, but as far as I can tell, the arrest that started this was for nothing. The police started this and it could all have been avoided.

Look at these other videos, I couldn’t be everywhere and capture everything, but apparently I captured some things I didn’t even realize.

And, apparently, “If you choose to be a history revisionist and call for drama on each and every encounter with the police, your credibility diminishes and >you deserve anything that you have coming to you when you engage in that sort of rhetoric,” Koval says

Who’s the revisionist?

Pepper spray?

Was is necessary to handle Leslie so roughly here? (1:20)

The reason I turned around to get the video of the young woman here is because she was yelling that they were hurting her.

And in this video

At 1:38 look at the cop grabbing people and pushing them on the right in the west bound lane.
At 1:50ish, watch in the crosswalk in the east bound lane, them yanking and pulling and dragging Brandi
At 2:55 watch the man near the bottom of the screen, why are they arresting and struggling with this man (I believe it was Kevin O’Malley, the eye witness to Pualie Heenan’s murder)? How did they choose who to arrest? You see many others not being arrested doing the same thing, walking in the street.

There is so much going on in the video, I’m sure I missed much more.

And by the way, that same cop that started all this by arresting CJ . . . later that night. I got out of my car and I heard this noise echoing between the buildings. I got my stuff, crossed the cross walk and realized that the cop was making the noise by pounding his night stick on the ground. Wait, night stick? I turned and glared. He kept doing it. I walked half way throught he crosswalk and turned to double check. He kept doing it, I stopped when I got across the crosswalk and watched and he kept doing it. So I took out my video camera and he only did it one more time, then stopped.


  1. The Madison Police Department must be doing an incredible job if their most egregious displays of violence include an officer holding, but not using, a can of a pepper spray and a bored cop sitting around and playing with his nightstick.

  2. Hmmmmm, I see a bunch of Cops practicing remarkable restraint. I see a bunch of protestors shouting F-Bombs as well as other profanity. I see people being dragged or picked up and carried because they won’t walk under their own power. Brenda, sometimes I can see your point but on this you are delusional.
    Shutting down 6 lanes of East Wash IS illegal. Skipping school to
    participate in said shut down of East Wash IS illegal.Going inside West
    Town mall with a bullhorn dropping “F” bombs IS illegal, not to mention
    juvenile and boorish. Enough is enough. Those engaging in illegal acts
    need to suffer the consequences. Be it arrest or being truant its time
    to take the kid gloves off. Eric Z

  3. Interestingly, Eric Z. you don’t see at all. Alexander Pope spoke of people like you, “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” I see that you are a punisher. Your desire for people to “suffer” gave it away.

  4. Wow, the minimizing of the Cop using the sound of his stick to attempt to intimidate as being bored interests me as well. It would be one thing if there wasn’t the racial disparity of 12 blacks arrested for every 1 white, but this is embarrassing but keep up posting white men, you reveal your mindsets well and actually help the cause. Keep on writing out of your bias !

  5. I just told my mother about the cop’s use of the stick to intimidate and bait and that one person said the cop was bore and my 86 year old mother shot back, “He’s not paid to be bored.” There are great cops, there are average cops and there are a few power hungry control freak cops.

  6. You close E. Washington Ave. 8½ hours and that’s STILL not enough? It’s the policeman’s JOB to intimidate — and more — law breakers, especially a few power-hungry control freak agitators.

  7. Suffer, No. Be held accountable for ones actions, Yes. Soggy makes an Awesome point about Civil Disobedience. Being arrested for your part in it is part of the deal. If you wish to resist arrest, yes, they will carry, drag, etc… You asked for it when you refused to cooperate. Oh, and why do you think I’m white? Why bring race into it at all? I never mentioned it.

  8. Let us not forget that Mr. Robinson had multiple priors for felony cocaine delivery, pandering(repeat offender), felony home invasion while armed,repeated violations for driving without a license, a paternity suit, etc… Had he and his little band of do gooders tried that crap at my house, he would not have had the opportunity to be shot by Officer Kenny. I would have taken care of it myself. If you want someone to rally around for your cause, this guy isn’t the one. If he was, Sharpton and Jackson would be slithering around Madison. Eric Z.

  9. Apparently 12 blacks committed 12 crimes vs 1 white guy. Do the crime, do the time.
    Quotes from Kaleem Caire:
    ” Our black boys are struggling from having no fathers at home and too
    few positive male role models in their lives who show them real love,
    build their confidence, teach them healthy values, demonstrate a strong
    work ethic and hold them accountable (in constructive and inspiring
    ways) to high standards of personal conduct and performance excellence.
    Fatherlessness is destroying the future of many black boys — and almost
    as fast as they come out of the womb.”

    “Their role models now are Breezy, Yeh, Lil Wayne and a host of other
    rappers who limit their talents to undermining the talent development of
    others — except at the microphone.”

  10. Your name and your poor white male tone gives it away. That or your Bill Cosby’s twin ! hahahaha You sound just like him. Do you have a butch?

  11. Your angry tone supported by your capitalization reveals another angry white male. I have found in this town that white men don’t like angry African American women. I saw it first hand when an African American spoke with your kind of passion at Job Service. I find that angry white men believe that they should be more successful and by God, (a white god of course) no one has a right to get more than I got.

    No curiosity from angry white men for they know it all. I actually know nothing about the African American issue so I watch revealing documentaries such as HBO’s THE UNIVERSITY OF SING SING. It reveals the work of Of the prisoners who graduate and leave for society they have a less than 2 percent recidivism rate; The national recidivism rate for other prisoners is worth noting

  12. My name? Really? I find this simply hilarious. When my name is searched on Facebook, both white AND Black men show up. Try again! I believe YOU, are the racist!

  13. You also believe in Santa Claus, right? A racist to you is someone who questions white males who don’t have the courage to be bold and out there. Why are you such a scared person?


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