Citizen or Candidate Konkel?

Jesse Russell asks a good question about my blogging here on Forward Lookout. Jesse’s question should be expanded to my radio and television show as well. Technically, I believe the answer is I’m not a candidate as I have not filed any paperwork. Furthermore I’m not out raising money or asking for endorsements or putting together a campaign team or planning fundraisers and press events. More pragmatically and realistically, I wish I knew the answer so I could start doing some of those things if that is my choice and make it clear for people who are wondering.

I have had two meetings with friends, advisers, political allies etc. where we tried to answer the question, would it be better for the community for me to run for alder, run for mayor or just keep doing my media work. I’ve asked Facebook friends of my last campaign to weigh in. I’ve asked people for input via email and when I run into them at meetings and at the bar. The community seems kind of split on the issue, there are strong advocates and detractors for each of the options. Making the list of pros and cons for each didn’t help make the decision very clear. Much of it depends upon who else runs, when the county executive race ends up being, how Tenant Resource Center is doing with its funding, the political feeling at the time, what happens in the November elections, etc.

I can honestly say, I don’t know. My answer on which way I’m leaning changes daily. In my mind, there are good reasons to do each of them. And good reasons not to. All I know is I do have to make up my mind soon. So, Jesse is right on that account, but it will probably be another month before I know. But I can’t stop blogging for a month, but I will try to be as transparent as possible.

Jesse’s also right, Forward Lookout is an LLC. We do make a limited amount of money on advertising, which so far we’ve put back into advertising. But, its small business, very small. So, there would be some campaign finance issues with using the site for campaigning, which I wouldn’t do overtly, but I am political, so its a difficult line and we would probably report something to be as clean as possible. Which is why if I stick with the media angle, I’m not going to be making any more endorsements. Tho, I wear my politics on my sleeve and there isn’t really much of a question on which candidates I would back in most circumstances.

I don’t want MANY people to file. I’d like to find ONE person willing to. See, this is my point. I tried to address issues with an open letter because filing complaints is intensely personal and it looks like you’re attacking people. That letter has had some success, some of it here. But, in the end, the committee told me that the only way they can address some of the issues they agreed were of concern, was for me, or someone else, to file complaints and get the issue properly before them.

I could file about 15 complaints right now if I wanted to. But then I’ll be the one attacked, believe me, I’ve been through it before. On the other hand, if I don’t do it, they win. So, I’m struggling with it. The problem is that . . . and the issue I tried to make clear to the Ethics Committee is . . . if I don’t want to, who would be willing to? It would have to be someone with knowledge of the issues and someone who is not afraid to offend the people they file against and someone willing to stand up to the accusations in the media, etc. And, the most glaringly difficult one is, who wants to file against the mayor? I had a few people who said they would, but one decided to run for office, one is working on an issue with the mayor’s office and didn’t want to have it impact that and others didn’t feel comfortable with having the knowledge and background to do it. Even when limited to one issue, failure to file expense report with the clerk’s office. So, I asked my blog readers and as I suspected, no one came forward. NONE. So, Jesse, no, I’m not using this issue as a campaign issue to say “look at all the complaints filed”. Instead, I’m using it as a way to say to the Ethics Committee that there are issues with their complaint system. If they are counting on it to raise the ethics issues that are out there, its not going to happen. Tho, I do wish someone would prove me wrong. Cuz if I file that complaint, it will be a three ring circus.

Jesse did raise a fair point, and believe me, I’m working on it, but I need more information to make a final decision and the clock is ticking for serious candidates. I will let people know as soon as possible, but papers can’t even be circulated until December 1. And there is much in motion that impacts my decision, so I’m waiting til after the budget is over.

Run, Jesse, run! 🙂 I talk to so many potential candidates who ultimately make the decision that they don’t have the time to do it properly, and I appreciate that, but there are many alders in that boat . . . who don’t seem to let that bother them . . . and those who are thinking about those issues and with that work ethic would be an improvement! Seriously, so many people who considered it made the decision not to run . . . based on time. Perhaps that is an issue the council should try to address when they redistrict, they should add alders so they have smaller areas to represent, less constituents to respond to and more alders to fill all the committee appointments. But I digress . . . and yes, I have political opinions, I don’t think I ever denied that, that’s why this is a news AND opinion site.


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