City of Madison, New Protected Classes!

That’s right, landlords, employers, places that provide public accommodations and public facilities can no longer discriminate based on . . . gender identity, genetic identity, citizenship status and victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault or stalking . . . and more.

Current City of Madison protected classes include: sex, race, religion, color, national origin or ancestry, age, handicap/disability, marital status, source of income, arrest record, conviction record, less than honorable discharge, physical appearance, sexual orientation, political beliefs, familial status, student status or domestic partnership status.

Here’s the details.

October 26, 2010

Madison General Ordinance 39.03, the Equal Opportunities Ordinance, was recently amended by approval of the Common Council. As of October 15, 2010, four protected classes were added and three were expanded in Employment, Housing, and Public Accommodations.

The new protected classes are:
Gender Identity
Genetic Identity
Citizenship Status
Victim of Domestic Abuse, Sexual Assault, or Stalking

The updated protected classes are:
Family Status (formerly Housing-only)
Social Security (formerly Housing- and Public Accommodations-only)
Domestic Partners (formerly Public Accommodations-only)

That means that you are entitled to equal opportunities in Employment, Housing, Public Accommodations, and City Facilities in the City of Madison without being discriminated against based on your membership in any of these classes. These are in addition to already-established protected classes in Madison, such as age, race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

In addition, Credit History is now protected under Employment.

For more information, including definitions and a complete list of protected classes, please see Madison General Ordinance 39.03, the Equal Opportunity Ordinance, at:, and our various Presentations at:

Thank you,

The Madison Equal Opportunities Division


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