City Week Ahead

21 (or 23?) meetings this week that we know of, more will likely get added. Some of them at such popular times at 2pm (parks and open space plan), 11am (Multicultural Affairs), 8am, 12:30, 2:30 (Early Childhood Care and Education), and noon (Surveillance Committee). Who has time to show up at those odd hours?
Monday, April 9, 2018
2:00 PM Parks Long Range Planning Subcommittee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room GR-27
2018-2023 Park and Open Space Plan

5:15 PM Police and Fire Commission City-County Building 211 S. Carroll St, Room GR27
– Fire Department
a. Monthly Staff Report status report and discussion regarding hiring procedures, appointments, promotions,
and discipline, including recommendation of the Fire Chief
b. Action items: none
c. Report on promotional and disciplinary procedures
– Police Department
a. Monthly Staff Report status report and discussion regarding hiring procedures, appointments, promotions, and discipline, including recommendation of the Chief
b. Action items act on final recommendation of the Police Chief for the appoiontment of Police Officer James
T. Brennan, effective May 6, 2018.
– OIR Report Informal discussion by Commissioners. May address status of consideration of Report by other bodies; implications of Report for PFC practices; inquiries and instructions to legal counsel; scheduling of further discussion
– Report of Counsel may include status of pending litigation; summary of citizen complaint inquiries; scheduling and agenda planning

5:30 PM Oscar Mayer Strategic Assessment Committee Goodman South Madison Library 2222 S Park St
– Equitable Development Presentation
– Economic Development
-Connect Madison
-Regional Economic Development Strategies
-Market Data
– Environmental Issues
– Owmers Status Report
– Boundary Discussion (continued)
– Materials for the meeting (and past meetings) are here

6:30 PM City-County Homeless Issues Committee City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 357
Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness
System Gaps Analysis and Recommendations
2019 City and County Budget Recommendations
2017 Eviction Report Statistics
– Presentation: Community Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness
– Presentation: Update from Early Childhood Homeless Workgroup
– Presentation: Shelter Program Changes and Results
– Presentaiton: 2017 Eviction Report Statistics
– Updates- – Beacon, Messners, EHH Funding, Panhandling Ordinance, Built for Zero, City/County Affordable Housing Funds

Tuesday, April 10, 2018
4:30 PM Common Council Executive Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 108
Amending Section 33.33(3) of the Madison General Ordinances to modify membership requirements on the Sister City Collaboration Committee.
– Update: Task Force on Structure of City Government (4/10/18)
– Update: President’s Work Group to Develop City-Wide Surveillance Equipment and Data Management Policies (4/10/18)

5:00 PM Madison Arts Commission City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 557
Endorsing Community Projects – Adam Briska presenting his proposal for Yahara Parkway
MAC Annual Grant Review – Review Panel scores and make funding recommendations
Establishing Accession and Deaccession Procedures – Review donation policy
Art in Public Places – Harnack Sculpture – consider a more permanent placement and consideration of using
public art funds for additional costs
Phoenix from the Ashes – Review request for qualifications and timeline
Madison Music City Initiatives – Musician loading zone
Poet Laureate Program & Initiatives – Oscar Mireles will update MAC on current initiatives
Poetry Selection for Poetry in Sidewalk Program – Review poems proposed for placement on Monroe Street and determine which will be used.

5:00 PM Affirmative Action Commission City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 104
MGO 8.075 Disposal of Surplus Real Property
Review and update Affirmative Action Commission Operating Rules
– Reports

5:45 PM Common Council – Discussion City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 201
– City staff will be briefing the members of the Common Council on the Madison Metro Transit Building Executive Summary & Recommendations Report.
– Note, Resolution 50922 authorizing a non-competitive purchase of services contract with Mead and Hunt for professional architectural and engineering services for the design of (2019 – Phase 1) Metro Bus Barn Facility Upgrades is scheduled for Common Council action on April 17, 2018.

6:30 PM Common Council City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 201
222 N Charter St. zoning – recommendation to reject
– Tin Fox Alcohol License – 2616 Monroe St. (Hours of operation shall be Monday – Wednesday 11am-11pm, Thursday – Saturday 10am-12am, and Sunday 10am-4pm
Authorizing the City of Madison to submit a grant application for up to $1,000,000 to the Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Public Art Challenge to fund costs for a Citywide temporary public art project and authorizing the Council President and Vice President to sign a letter of support on behalf of the Common Council to be submitted with the grant application and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract with Bloomberg Philanthropies to accept Grant funding if it is awarded.
La Escondida Mexican Grill – Request to extend hours March, April and May until 2:30 am for football games and boxing shows, as well as private parties once a month. – Denial based on the health, safety, and welfare of the community.
– Street use permit liquor licenses for Woofs King St. Pride, Octobearfest, WORT Block Party
Establishing a Plan for the Confederate Monuments in Forest Hill Cemetery.
Amending Section 33.07(6) of the Madison General Ordinances to add additional types of public construction that may be done by the City without submitting the work for public bid
– Accepting the Report, “Family and Medical Leave Use and Need Among City of Madison Employees” (links are all messed up and don’t work)
SUBSTITUTE – Establishing Policy Guidelines for Alterations to Capitol Square Area Planting Beds for the Intent of Creating New Public Sidewalk Cafes.
Authorizing the City of Madison to enter into a contract with the Madison Central Business Improvement District (BID) for $60,000 to fund the continuation of the Downtown Activities Program focused on existing plazas around the Capitol Square and State Street (2nd, 4th and 8th AD).
Recreate the classification of Equal Opportunities Manager in CG18, R15, and reallocate the incumbent to the new range.
Recreate the classification of Affirmative Action Manager in CG18, R15, and reallocate the incumbent to the new range
SUBSTITUTE Creating Section 3.54(25)(b) and renumbering current Section 3.54(25)(b) to (c) of the Madison General Ordinances to provide a stipend to offset the cost of qualifying domestic partner health insurance.
Resolution authorizing a non-competitive purchase of services contract with Mead and Hunt for professional architectural and engineering services for the design of (2019 – Phase 1) Metro Bus Barn Facility Upgrades. (6th AD)
Amending the 2018 Operating Budget and Setting the 2018 Rates for the Sewer, Stormwater and Landfill.
Approving the allocation of $50,000 in previously authorized funds from Miscellaneous Appropriations to fund eleven (11 ) proposals received during the 2018 Madison Food Policy Council “SEED” Grants funding process, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into agreements with the associated agencies, organizations, groups, and individuals to implement the designated projects or programs
2nd SUBSTITUTE Creating Section 23.52 of the Madison General Ordinances to establish guidelines for the operation of security cameras at convenience stores and amending Section 1.08 to establish a bail deposit schedule for violation of this ordinance
Establishing a Glass-Free Zone for the West Mifflin Street area from 6:00 a.m. on April 28, 2018 through 6:00 a.m. on April 29, 2018
Authorizing Metro Transit, on behalf of the City of Madison, to accept funds not to exceed $10,000 from the Dudgeon Monroe Neighborhood Association in support of adding approximately 6 benches to bus stops on the Dudgeon Monroe neighborhood and amending the Transit Utility’s 2018 Adopted Operating Budget to appropriate these funds in revenue and corresponding expenditures.
Granting Special Vending Approvals under MGO 9.13(6)(k) for 2018 Special Events as detailed on the accompanying special event resolution table.
Amending Section 3.54(9)(b) of the Madison General Ordinances to add the position of Transportation Director to the list of Managerial Employees
Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 101 King Street – Lucille Madison and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8159. (4th AD)
Declaring the City of Madison Common Council’s Intent to Submit Comments to the Air National Guard as Part of the F-35 Operational Beddown Environmental Impact Statement.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018
11:00 AM Multicultural Affairs Committee City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 108
– WANDA FULLMORE INTERN SUPERVISOR TRAINING – Providing feedback on content of supervisor training.
– POSITION STUDY/RECLASSIFICATION PROCESS – Discussion of MAC’s role and potential recommendations.
– MAC SURVEY – Discussion of priorities in question selection

4:30 PM Urban Design Commission City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 351
2045 Atwood Avenue – Comprehensive Design Review for “Kennedy Place.”
702 North Midvale Boulevard – Comprehensive Design Review of Signage for the Redevelopment of the South Side of Hilldale Shopping Mall
4802 Sheboygan Avenue – PD(GDP), “Madison Yards at Hill Farms” in UDD No. 6.
53 West Towne Mall – Redevelopment of Portions of the Sears Department Store and Auto Center, and the Addition of Outpads on the Property.
2025 Zeier Road – Facade Renovation for “Burlington.”
Creating Section 28.022 — 00324 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of properties located at 717-753 E. Johnson Street, 2nd Aldermanic District, from TR-V2 (Traditional Residential – Varied 2) District to NMX (Neighborhood Mixed-Use) District.
827 East Gorham Street – Relocation of Two Buildings from 725 and 737 East Johnson Street.

5:00 PM Transit and Parking Commission City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr.
Blvd, Room 201
Metro: Mead & Hunt study overview of Metro Bus Barn Facility Upgrades.
Metro: Annual Safety Report
TPC Resolution No. 19-21 for the approval to Eliminate Paratranist Leave Attended Service and Paratransit Convenience Tickets as of 6/3/18. Other proposed changes have been deferred to a later date.
Resolution authorizing a non-competitive purchase of services contract with Mead and Hunt for professional architectural and engineering services for the design of (2019 – Phase 1) Metro Bus Barn Facility Upgrades.
Metro: To approve a cost-neutral roll out of the new logo and branding, being applied to items as they are produced starting summer 2018.
6:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING: to hear public comment on Metro’s August service changes

5:00 PM Education Committee 30 W. Mifflin Street, Room 1000B
– In legistar, no agenda

5:00 PM Public Safety Review Committee City-County Bldg 211 S Carroll St, Room GR-27
Report from the Dane County 911 Center Director, John DeJung
Report from the Madison Police Department Public Information Officer, Joel DeSpain
Report from the Madison Police Department
Report from the Madison Fire Department

6:30 PM Historic Preservation Plan Advisory Committee John Wall Family Pavilion in Tenney Park 402 N Thornton Ave
– Introduction to City Plans
– Overview of historic preservation plans and typical content
– Living History Project overview
– How can Madison go beyond the typical plan?
A. How can we create a community that values history and connects people to place?
B. How can we capture the intangible parts of our story?
– What is next?
A. Review the HPP process
B. Review the role of the Advisory Committee
C. Next meetings

Thursday, April 12, 2018
8:00 AM Commission of the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Maintenance Facility 1610 Moorland Rd, Room Training Room
– Review and Approval of Sewer Extensions
New Construction Projects
– – Lacy Woods, City of Fitchburg
– – Cathedral Point – Phase 8, City of Verona
– – Woodward Drive, 501–CU, Demo, City of Madison
Reconstruction Projects
– Schenck Street and Richard Street Resurfacing with Utilities Assessment District–2018, City of Madison
– Emerson Street and Lowell Street Reconstruction Assessment District-2018, City of Madison
– Authorization of the Creation of a Fleet Management Fund
– Approval of First Quarter Sewer Service Bills
– Process for Developing District End Outcomes
– Chief Engineer and Director’s Report
A. CED Update
B. Regulatory Review

12:30 PM Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District – Employee Leadership Council Maintenance Facility 1610 Moorland Rd, Room Conference Room
– Review status of issue requests.
– Review action items.
– Discuss facilitator options.

2:30 PM Early Childhood Care and Education Committee 30 W Mifflin St, Room 1000B
Amending Section 3.12(10) of the Madison General Ordinances to update the ordinance and makes substantive changes to the Child Care Program.
Tuition Assistance Report
2018 Tuition Assistance eligibility levels and rates
Stabilization Funds
NLC Work Update
Report from committee Family Child Care Subcommittee members on the April 5th listening session with family child care providers

4:00 PM Madison Food Policy Council – Comprehensive Plan Work Group City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 118A
– Further Discussion of Progress Report and Budget Memo (sure would be a good thing if there was a link to said report and memo)

4:30 PM Community Development Authority City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room GR-27
CDA Resolution # 4262 – Approving Revisions to the CDA Public Housing Lease, Lease Addendum, and House Rules
CDA Resolution # 4265 – Authorizing the Community Development Authority to enter into an agreement with The Road Home Dane County to provide referrals and case management at Monona Shores
CDA Resoolution # 4266 – Authorizing the CDA Executive Director to continue to offer loans to buyers at Mosaic Ridge

5:00 PM Equal Opportunities Commission City County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard 1st Floor, Room 103A ** Special Meeting – Retreat **
– In legistar, no agenda

5:00 PM Digital Technology Committee City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 108
Digital Divide
Fiber to the Premise

5:00 PM Board of Health for Madison and Dane County Fitchburg Public Library 5530 Lacy Rd
Amending Sections 23.05(3)(a), 23.05(1), and 23.05(4)(e) of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit smoking in all areas of City parking garages
Authorization to Accept Funds from Wisconsin DHS to Support Reproductive Health and Family Planning Services
Authorization to Become a Member of the Dane County Health Council and to Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Dane County Health Council and the Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness, Inc.
– Reports to committee

5:30 PM Community Development Division Conference Committee Goodman Maintenance Facility 1402 Wingra Creek Pkwy
Discussion and Finalize Recommendations for 2018 Emerging Opportunities Program Funding

Friday, April 13, 2018
12:00 PM President’s Work Group to Develop City-Wide Surveillance Equipment and Data Management Policies City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 354


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