City Week Ahead (Updated)

10 meetings before 4pm – do you know folks who an attend “public meetings” at 3:30pm, 8:30am, 1:30 pm, 10am, 8am, 12:30pm or 2:30pm? Can our alders attend during those times?

Monday, June 11, 2018
3:30 PM Notice of Possible Quorum of the Common Council City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 1st Floor Lobby
– No clue why . . . link just goes round and round in a loop (they fixed it . . .)
Hmmm . . . quorum is 11, but the tour is limited to 10? I think they mean negative quorum? And, doesn’t this in fact mean its a closed meeting?

City staff has invited Common Council members on a walking tour of the Madison Municipal Building Project. The tour will start by meeting on the 1st floor, main lobby area of the City-County Building (210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard).

Please note that a possible quorum exists of members of the Common Council.

There is a limit of ten (10) people allowed on the tour. Please contact Lisa Veldran in the Common Council Office to RSVP: or 266-4074.

4:30 PM Finance Committee City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 354
Submitting the appointment of Thomas W. Lynch for confirmation of a five-year term as the Director of Transportation.
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute loan agreements associated with affordable housing development projects selected as part of the 2016 Affordable Housing Fund Request for Proposals process.
Amending the 2018 Capital Budget and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a development agreement to fund a $2,600,000 Tax Incremental Finance Loan, funded by GO Borrowing, to University Research Park, Inc. or its assigns to assist in the renovation of approximately 48,316 gross square feet of existing office, construction of approximately 137,874 of new office and approximately 472 parking stalls located at 501 Charmany Drive Place to be occupied by Exact Sciences Corporation as an office headquarters and innovation laboratory within the boundary of TID #46 (Research Park).
WRS for Alders — Presentation and Discussion
Freakfest Contract Negotiations (noticed for closed session)

5:00 PM Plan Commission City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 103A
– Not televised
Plan Commission resolution recommending adoption of the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan
Adopting the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan

5:15 PM Police and Fire Commission City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room GR27
-Fire Department
a.Monthly Staff Report status report and discussion regarding hiring procedures, appointments, promotions,and discipline,including recommendation of the Fire Chief
b.Action items: act on final recommendation of the Fire Chief for the promtions of Fire Lieutenants Dan Williams, Linnea Anderson, Chris Carbon, Wes Ecker, Chris Hammes, and Jeff Vogen, each effective 6/18/2018.
– Police Department
a.Monthly Staff Report status report and discussion regarding hiring procedures, appointments, promotions, and discipline,including recommendation of the Chief
b.Action items: act on preliminary recommendation of the Police Chief for the promotion of Lt. Paige E. Valenta to Captain of Police, Sgt. Jamar J. Gary to Lieutenant of Police, and P.O. Ryan T. Gibson to Sergeant of Police, each effective 3, 2018; and P.O.’s Nathaniel J. Lujan to Sergeant and Daniel P. Swanson and Don H. Penly to Detective, each effective May 20, 2018.
– Report of Counsel may include status of pending litigation; summary of citizen complaint inquiries; review arrangemetns for staffing and counsel; long-range planning; scheduling and agenda planning

Tuesday, June 12, 2018
8:30 AM Commission Workgroup on CED Performance Operators Building 1610 Moorland Rd, Room Multipurpose Room
– Most Cryptic agenda ever . . . I know this is for “CHIEF ENGINEER AND DIRECTOR’S PERFORMANCE REVIEW” and I think its for the Metropolitan Sewer District?
– Commission Workgroup Discussion on the Review Process and Next Steps
– Convene in Closed Session in Accordance with 19.85(1)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes to Consider Employment, Promotion, Compensation or Performance Evaluation Data of any Public Employee Over Which the Governmental Body has Jurisdiction or Exercises Responsibility
– Reconvene in Open Session
– Discussion or Actions, if any, Relative to the Chief Engineer and Director’s Performance Review Feedback Discussed in Closed Session
– Commission Workgroup Discussion on the Review Process and Next Steps
– Old Business
– New Business

1:30 PM Yahara Watershed Improvement Network Group Maintenance Training Facility 1610 Moorland Rd
– Yahara WINS Group Meeting Agenda
– Executive Committee Update
a. Yahara WINS Financial Summary update
b. Yahara WINS Audit – Request for Proposal and Recommendation
c. Consulting Director Contract
d. Phosphorus Reduction Grant Award Recommendation
e. Rock County Service Agreement Extension
f. Yahara Pride Farm Phosphorus Service Agreement
g. Strategic Communications Plan
h. Yahara WINS Annual Report Progress
– Partner Updates
a. Yahara Pride Farm
b. Columbia County
c. Rock County
d. Dane County
– Other Business
a. September Group Meeting – Project Site Tour

1:30 PM Yahara Watershed Improvement Network Executive Committee Maintenance Training Facility 1610 Moorland Rd
– Yahara WINS Audit – Request for Proposal and Recommendation
– Consulting Director Contract Extension
– Phosphorus Reduction Grant Award Recommendations
– Rock County Service Agreement Extension
– Yahara Pride Farm Phosphorus Service Agreement
– Strategic Communications Plan Approval
– Yahara WINS Annual Report Progress Update
– Other Business
a. September Group Meeting – Project Site Tour

5:00 PM Historic Preservation Plan Advisory Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 351
– Introduction
– Process and findings to date
– Discussion of Draft Goals & Objectives and Identification of Gaps
– Overview of Process
– How can Madison go beyond the typical plan?

5:00 PM Affirmative Action Commission City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 108
MGO 8.075 Disposal of Surplus Real Property
Residency Preference Program
Review and update Affirmative Action Commission Operating Rules
– Reports

5:30 PM Oscar Mayer Strategic Assessment Committee Madison Senior Center 330 W Mifflin St, Room 1 & 2
– General Updates and Announcements
– Owners Status Report
– Opportunities Analysis / Assessment Review & Discussion
– Redevelopment Objectives Categories Discussion
– Public Engagement -Public Meeting Event
All meeting materials are in this link (Hate it when committees do this . . . might work good for them, confusing as hell to anyone not involved, especially if documents don’t have good names and it doesn’t appear that any of the materials in the link are for this meeting – the last date is 5/8/18)

5:30 PM Room Tax Commission Monona Terrace 1 John Nolen Dr, Room Hall of Fame
Room Tax Fund Condition – Final 2017 and First Quarter 2018
Preliminary 2019 Budget Outlook and Timeline
Review and Discussion of Bylaws and Selection of Officers

Wednesday, June 13, 2018
8:30 AM Board of Assessors Schedule 4 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 101
– 52 more properties – 34 went down, 2 went up, the rest stay the same.

10:00 AM Street Use Staff Commission City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 108
BACON AND BREWS Sa, June 23, 2018 / 6am-6pm Event in Breese Stevens Field
STOP THE VIOLENCE! SAVE OUR CHILDREN! PARADE Saturday, July 14, 2018 – 11 am-12pm Parade: 5701 Raymond Road (Good Shepherd Lutheran) to 1701 McKenna Blvd (Our Redeemer)
CONCERTS ON THE SQUARE – AMMENDED FOR 8/1/18 CONCERT – Wednesday 8/1/18 Capitol Square – 10 Blocks of N&S Pinckney, 10 Blocks of E&W Main, 100 Blocks of E. Wash, MLK, and King St. Additional Closure Request – 100 block of King St. / 5am- 11 :59pm Parking Request
EQUINOX & 420 W GORHAM MOVE IN Wednesday, August 15th 10:00am – 5:00pm 400 Block of W Gorham Lane Closure/Parking Request
RUN FOR LITERACY Saturday, October 13, 6:00am – 12:30pm Start/Finish – Literacy Network, 701 S. Dane Street
MAKE MUSIC MADISON Sidewalk/performance areas only – no closure – see attached Thursday, June 21, 8am-9pm
BRIDAL BRUNCH Mon, July 2, 2018 / 8:30am-12:30pm Closure: 100 E. Mifflin
REGENT NEIGHBORHOOD ANNUAL 4TH OF JULY PARADE Wednesday, July 4th, 2018 – 11 :45am – 12:30pm 10 block of Highland Ave, north to 2500 block of Van Hise, west to 10 block of Grand, south to West High practice field

1:30 PM Madison Food Policy Council – Pollinator Protection Work Group Madison Central Library 201 W Mifflin St, Room 111
– IPM review process
– Monarch Pledge update
– Bee City update
– Pollinator Habitat Suitability Application update

5:00 PM Public Safety Review Committee Madison Police Department Community Room 211 S Carroll St, Room GR-27
– Recap on the combined Town Hall Meeting with Safe Communities
– Update on a 311 Center,
Creating Sections 25.18 and 25.17(10) and amending Section 1.08(3)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to regulate the use of drones and establish a bond schedule for violations thereof.
– Report from Police Department
Report form Fire Department

5:00 PM Transit and Parking Commission City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 201
– Reports
Amending Section 12.138(11 ) of the Madison General Ordinances to increase the fees for residential parking permits.
Amending Section 12.138(8)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to include exception for children with multiple residences when applying for residential parking permit.
TPC Resolution No. 19-22 for the approval of Metro Transit offering free rides on New Year’s Eve 2018 at a cost of approximately $10,000, with or without a sponsor.
Monroe Street Update
Route 37 and 38 proposed changes
Bus stop changes – 9 of them!

5:00 PM Education Committee 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd 30 W Mifflin St, Room 1000B
Follow-up Discussion and Identify Action Regarding Opportunity Youth

5:30 PM Alcohol License Review Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 354
– No agenda

6:30 PM Board of Park Commissioners Goodman Maintenance Facility 1402 Wingra Creek PKWY
2018 Neighborhood Grant Project for Tenney Park
Galaxy Park Master Plan
Adopting amendments of the Elderberry, Pioneer and Junction Neighborhood Development Plans to provide updated recommendations for undeveloped lands in those neighborhood planning areas.

Thursday, June 14, 2018
8:00 AM Commission of the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Maintenance Facility 1610 Moorland Rd, Room Training Room
– Approval of Cash Statement -Operating Fund
– Approval of Cash Statement –Capital Projects Fund
– Approval of Three Expedited Boundary Annexations-Sauser
— 2018-06 Malmquist/ Heinrichs/ Veridian Homes lands (City of Madison)
— 2018-07 Francois and Jackie Luyet property (City of Madison)
— 2018-10 McFarland School District Baseball Fields (Village of McFarland)
– Review and Approval of Sanitary Sewer Extensions-Sauser
— New Construction Projects – Eagle Trace -Phase 1
— Re-Construction Projects
— N Prospect Ave Reconstruction -2018
— Frey Street and Sawyer Terrace Reconstruction
– Approval of an Expedited Boundary Annexation: 2018-08 Woodland West (Village of Waunakee)
– Review and Approval of a Sanitary Sewer Extension(related to item #4)
– Introduction of Annexation Petition and Scheduling of Public Hearing for a Parcel in the Town of Westport
– Update on Badger Mill Creek
– Chief Engineer and Director’sReport
C.Future MeetingSchedule

12:30 PM Urban Forestry Task Force City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 103A
– Updates
Municipal Project Policy Review
Canopy Coverage
– Public Lands Policy Review

2:30 PM Early Childhood Care and Education Committee 30 W Mifflin St, Room 1000B
– Presentation from the state Child Abuse Neglect Prevention Board
– Report from Child Care Unit staff on current efforts in Trauma Informed Care and addressing early childhood mental health
– Report from Sharyl Kato of Rainbow Project on issues of early childhood trauma/mental health consultation for early childhood care providers
Recommendations from the Family Child Care Support Subcommittee
Update on communication surrounding the tuition assistance eligibility ordinance changes
– Report from Christie Voigt from 4-Cs on the decline in family child care providers in recent years

4:00 PM Madison Food Policy Council – Comprehensive Plan Work Group City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 118A
– Further discussion of the Imagine Madison/Madison Comprehensive Plan process related to food policy issues

4:00 PM Board of Health Madison & Dane County Budget Committee Madison Water Utility 119 E Olin Ave, Room A & B
– 2019 Operating Budget Overview

4:30 PM Community Development Authority City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room GR-27
CDA Resolution # 4268 – Amending the Bylaws of the Community Development Authority
CDA Resolution # 4283 – Authorizing the CDA Executive Director to Purchase a Home on Lot 13 of Mosaic Ridge
– Monona Shores Update
– Management Services Update (may go into closed session)

5:00 PM Equal Opportunities Commission City-County Bldg 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 103A
Establishing a moratorium on issuance of new alcohol licenses in a high density, high police call area in downtown Madison.
– Work Groups Updates: Housing Issues
— Housing Stock
— MPD and Convictions

5:00 PM Board of Health for Madison and Dane County Madison Water Utility 119 E Olin Ave, Room A & B
Creating a Task Force to review, analyze and provide recommendations regarding the City’s Integrated Pest Management Policy.
– Request to Fill Positions Vacant for More than Six Months
Public Health Madison & Dane County – Public Health Nurse Positions (#1406, 2848 and 2696)
– Reports

5:00 Digital Technology Committee 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Room 354 (City-County Building)
– Not on weekly schedule, in legistar
Digital Divide Pilot Project
— Lessons learned document
— Survey Results from connected subscribers
— RFP Update
Fiber to the Premise
— CTC Implementation plan timeline update

5:30 PM Madison Police Department Policy & Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Room 201
Review and discussion of OIR’s recommendations found in OIR’s Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review

Sunday, June 17, 2018
3:00 PM Notice of Possible Quorum of the Madison Public Library Board Capital Brewery Bier Garten 7734 Terrace Ave Middleton, WI 53562
– No clue – another link that goes round and round . . .


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