City Week Ahead

Sorry – first meetings start in 1.5 hours . . .

Monday, October 1, 2018
5:00 PM Landmarks Commission City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 103A
614 E Gorham St – Master Plan for a Designated Madison Landmark Site, a portion of which is also in the Mansion Hill Hist. Dist. (James Madison Park)
– Reports

5:00 PM EOC Executive Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 523
– Update: Discuss 52042 – Creating Sec. 12.177 of the MGO to establish a City of Madison motor vehicle registration fee
– Update: Discuss 50110 – Establishing a moratorium on issuance of new alcohol licenses in downtown Madison
– Discuss Presentation on August 9, 2018 by Professor Revel Sims

5:30 PM Sister City Collaboration Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 118A
2019 SCCC Celebrate Madison’s Sister Cities

5:30 PM Plan Commission City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 201
Adopting the 2018-2023 Park and Open Space Plan as a Supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan.
210-216 S. Pinckney Street changed from PD(SIP) Planned Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District to Amended PD(GDP) Planned Development (General Development Plan) District and PD(SIP) Planned Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District.
750 University Row, change from PD (SIP) Planned Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District to Amended PD (SIP) Amended Planned Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District
REVISED – Consideration of a demolition permit and conditional use to allow demolition of a two-family residence and four-unit apartment building and construction of a four-story, 31-unit apartment building at 119-125 N. Butler Street
– Consideration of a demolition permit and conditional use to allow an office building to be demolished and construction of a six-story mixed-use building with 930 square feet of commercial space and 19 residential condominiums at 222 S. Hamilton Street
Consideration of a conditional use to convert an existing tavern into a nightclub at 524 E. Wilson Street
Amending Sections 28.082(1) and 28.151 of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit personal storage units in the Traditional Employment (TE) and Suburban Employment (SE) Districts and to require that personal storage units, where allowed, take place in a building that is a minimum of two stories.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018
4:30 PM Common Council Executive Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 108
SUBSTITUTE – Establishing a moratorium on issuance of new alcohol licenses in a high density, high police call area in downtown Madison and establishing a Task Force on Downtown violence.
Acknowledging the City of Madison inter-disciplinary staff team tasked with analyzing alcohol outlet density, to identify issues related to excessive alcohol consumption that result in disproportionate calls for service, and propose steps to address such problems
Extending the deadline for the report and recommendations of the Task Force on the Structure of City Government.
Creating Section 2.03(6) of the Madison General Ordinances to specify a procedure for notices when a vacancy exists on the Common Council.
Amending Section 33.13(4)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to grant additional authority to the Common Council Executive Committee.
– Updates (Task Force on Structure of City Government, Surveillance, Council Chief of Staff)

4:30 PM Madison Food Policy Council – Healthy Marketing and Procurement Work Group City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 118A
– Discuss Healthy Vending Policy
o Language finalization
– Good Food Purchasing Policy –Memo from Parks

5:00 PM Affirmative Action Commission City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 104
MGO 8.075 Disposal of Surplus Real Property
Review and update Affirmative Action Commission Operating Rules
– Reports

5:30 PM Common Council – Discussion City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 201
– August 20, 2018 Storm & High Lake Level Crisis that Followed

6:00 PM Finance Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 108
Authorizing the issuance of $86,100,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2018-A and $12,655,000 Taxable General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2018-B
Authorizing the issuance of $10,000,000 General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds,Series 2018-C, of the City of Madison, Wisconsin, providing the details thereof, establishing interest rates thereon and levying taxes therefor

6:30 PM Common Council City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 201
Welcoming Mayor Talib Ahmed Bensouda and Council Member Sulayman Jammeh from Kanifing, The Gambia
Appeal of Landmarks Commission Decision on 8/27/18: 1 Speedway Rd – Exterior Alteration to a Designated Madison Landmark Site (Forest Hill Cemetery)
2019 Executive Capital Budget
Authorizing the City to extend the Southwest Bike Path agreement with the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the South Central Wisconsin Rail Transit Commission for an additional 20 years
Amending Section 15.02(7) of the Madison General Ordinances by changing the polling location for Ward 7 from City Church, 4909 East Buckeye Road, to Westminster Senior Apartments, 6160 Dell Drive.
Amending Sections 15.02(49) and 15.02(56) of the Madison General Ordinances by changing the polling location for Ward 49 from Hub Madison, 437 North Frances Street to Gordon Dining and Event Center, 770 W. Dayton Street and changing the polling location for Ward 56 from Gordon Commons, 717 West Johnson Street to Sellery Hall, 821 W. Johnson Street.
Authorizing a noncompetitive contract with Interpreters Cooperative of Madison for in person language interpretation services.
Authorizing a noncompetitive contract with Purple Communications for in person American Sign Language interpretation services.
Authorizing the issuance of $86,100,000 General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2018-A and $12,655,000 Taxable General Obligation Promissory Notes, Series 2018-B
Authorizing the issuance of $10,000,000 General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds,Series 2018-C, of the City of Madison, Wisconsin, providing the details thereof, establishing interest rates thereon and levying taxes therefor
Amending Section 15.02(43) of the Madison General Ordinances by changing the polling location for Ward 43 from the Madison Central Police District to the Madison Municipal Building and amending Section 15.02(52) by changing the polling location for Ward 52 from the Madison Central Police District to the Madison Municipal Building.
Establishing absentee voting locations for the 2018 General Election

Wednesday, October 3, 2018
10:00 AM Street Use Staff Commission City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 108
UW Homecoming Block Party
Dream Village with Eunique Jones Gibson
GSAFE Trick or Trot 5K Walk/Run
Downtown Madison Family Halloween

4:30 PM Board of Public Works City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 108
Amending the 2018 Engineering-Major Streets, Sewer and Stormwater Utility Capital Budgets and the Sewer and Stormwater Utility Operating Budgets to cover expenses incurred as a result of the extreme rain event experienced on August 20, 2018 and the resulting high lake levels and associated isthmus flooding.
– Change orders
– Approval of bids

4:30 PM Urban Design Commission City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 354
3729 & 3737 E. Washington Avenue – New Development of a “Discount Tire” Located in
UDD No. 5
1202 S. Park Street – New Development of a Permanent Supportive Housing Project Containing 58 Residential Units and Approximately 1,200 Square Feet of Commercial Space Located in UDD No. 7.
201 S. Gammon Road – Amendment to a Comprehensive Design Review for James Madison Memorial High School Campus.
211 North Carroll Street/200-220 Wisconsin Avenue – Redevelopment of the MATC Building into a Hotel in the Downtown Core District.
614 E. Gorham Street – Public Project: James Madison Park Master Plan and Shelter Concept.
1050 E. Washington Avenue – New Development of an 11-Story Commercial/Retail, Office and Market-Rate Residential Building, in addition to a 4-Story Building Housing the Youth Arts Consortium Located in UDD No. 8 (Lyric Phase 3).

5:30 PM City-County Homeless Issues Committee The Beacon 615 E. Washington Ave, Room 2nd Floor Conference
– Discussion and Possible Action on 2019 City of Madison/Dane County Budget Recommendations
– Discussion and Possible Action on 2018 Work Plan and Strategic Goals
– Discussion and Possible Action on School District Representation on Committee
– Presentation – Homeless Services Consortium of Dane County (HSC)’s Committee to End Youth Homelessness Updates: Dane County Youth Summit and Youth Homeless Demonstration Project (YHDP) – Robin Sereno (HSC) and Sarah Lim (City of Madison)
– Presentation – Youth Homelessness from Youth Perspective-presenter to be confirmed
– Reports

5:30 PM Madison Food Policy Council Central Library 201 W. Mifflin St, Room 302
– Presentation – Oscar Mayer Strategic Assessment Committee Presentation – Satya Rhodes-Conway, Chair
– 8 work group reports
– 7 “regular business reports”

6:30 PM Madison Area Transportation Planning Board (MPO) Madison Water Utility Building 119 E. Olin Ave, Room A-B
– Resolution TPB No. 142 Adopting the 2019-2023 Transportation Improvement Program for the Madison Metropolitan Area & Dane County
— Addition/Change Sheet, dated 9/25/18
— Section 5310 (Enhanced E/D Transportation) Program of Projects for 2019
– Resolution TPB No. 143 Approving Amendment to the 2018 MATPB Work Program and Budget
– Review of Draft 2019 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)
– Review and Recommendation on Draft 2019 MPO Budget
– Status Report on Capital Area RPC Activities
– List of Current and Near Future Work Items:
– – 2019 Work Program
– – Annual Performance Measures Report and Setting of Federal Measure Targets
– – Madison Area Household Travel Survey
– – Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Implementation Planning
– – Low Stress Bikeway Network Mapping and Analysis Report
– Local Arterial Roadway Intersection Safety Analysis
– Strategic Work Plan to Enhance Travel Model and Other Planning Analysis Tools
– Coordinated Public Transit – Human Services Transportation Plan Update
– MPO Website Redesign and Reorganization
– MPO Branding and Marketing Project
– Issue of Relationship between MPO and City of Madison
– Revision to MPO Operating Rules and Proce

Thursday, October 4, 2018
12:30 PM Urban Forestry Task Force City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 103A
Status of Task Force
Finance Committee Amendment: Urban Tree Initiatives
Review of Urban Forestry Task Force History and Charge
Formulating Recommendations, Action Plan, and Long-term Departmental Strategy – DISCUSSION OF RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING LAND USE PLANNING & ZONING

4:30 PM Solid Waste Advisory Committee 1501 W. Badger Rd
– Flood Damage Collections
50 Years of Recycling in Madison
Discussion Pertaining to Ongoing Grant-funded Leaf Management Outreach Efforts
– Re-Imagining the Drop-off Sites

5:00 PM Public Market Development Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room GR27
Public Market Discussion
– Public Market Mission Follow Up
– MarketReady Update
– Funding Updates
– Public Market Foundation Update
– Design/Development Process Update

5:00 PM Madison Public Library Board Central Library 201 W. Mifflin St, Room 104
– Reports
Agreement to Participate in SCLS Technology Services
– More reports

5:00 PM Community Development Block Grant Committee City-County Building 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Room 351
Request for Proposal (RFP 8754-2018) Presentations. Responses to the Federal Funds (HOME, CDBG, EECBG) for 2018-2019 Housing Development & Capital Improvement Projects
· Common Wealth Development, Inc.
· Wisconsin Partnership for Housing Development
· Irwin A and Robert D Goodman Community Center
· African Center for Community Development, Inc.
· Madison Development Corporation
· Sunny Side Development
Request for Proposal (RFP 8743-2018) Presentations. Responses to Affordable Housing Fund: Developers seeking 2019 WHEDA Tax Credits for Rental Housing Development
· Bayview Foundation, Inc. and Horizon Development Group, Inc. – Bayview Foundation
· Stone House Development Inc. – Schroeder Road Apartments
· Gorman and Company. LLC – Valor on Washington
· Movin’ Out, Inc. / Mirus Partners, Inc. – The Ace Apartment
– Reports

7:00 PM Notice of Possible Quorum of City of Madison Committee(s) Bethany Evangelical Church 301 Riverside Dr
– Third Lake Ridge Local Historic District Ordinance Revisions
1. Introductions
2. Overview of Potential Ordinance Revisions
3. Question and Answer Session
4. Adjournment


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