City’s New Finance Director

The best of the two, and the only one left standing since the other top candidate pulled out. Not really a ringing endorsement. I don’t know anything about the guy, but I’m guessing if he wasn’t that good, it would have gotten re-opened.

Mayor Soglin Announces Appointment of Finance Director

Madison Mayor Paul Soglin announced today the appointment of David P. Schmiedicke as the city’s next Finance Director. Mr. Schmiedicke is a Madison resident, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and is currently employed by the Wisconsin Department of Administration. He has served most recently as State Budget Director and Administrator as well as Deputy State Budget Director and Deputy Administrator.

At the Department of Administration, Mr. Schmiedicke has had key responsibilities in the development and implementation of the state budget, management of the Division of Executive Budget and Finance, development of legislation and policy, and has worked cooperatively with the legislature, University of Wisconsin System, state agencies and others on major policy issues.

As Finance Director, he will be responsible for city accounting, budget, and financial management, including long range financial projections, audit, payroll, city insurance coverage, and debt management. He will provide policy support to the Mayor, Board of Estimates, and Common Council on financial matters, including the city budget, economic development, TIF projects, and issuance of bonds. He will also review the city’s annual borrowing requirements, develop long term debt policies, and manage debt service costs.

“We are very fortunate that a candidate with the depth and breadth of experience that David Schmiedicke can bring to the City of Madison has come forward. His knowledge and experience will be invaluable to us in the immediate future as we prepare the city’s 2012 budget and in the long term as we work to maintain the city’s financial health in a difficult economic climate,” said Mayor Soglin.

The Common Council will vote on Mr. Schmiedicke’s appointment at their August 2, 2011, meeting.


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