Common Council Recap: 1/8/2008


In fact, I just realized that it was so boring that I didn’t even preview the meeting. Ooops, sorry, I was too busy trying to get information from Allied. Here’ the few items that were discussed.

We honored Jim Morgan for his years as Parks Superintendent. He wasn’t there as he was traveling, but he will receive his plaque at his retirement party.

We honored Ed Jepsen for his 10 years of work on the Yahara River Parkway. His years of dedication and thousands of hours of work just can’t be praised enough.

We agreed to allow the 1022 W Johnson project to move forward even if they don’t have a place to put the Conklin House. They won’t be able to demolish it, but they could park it on a temporary lot (oh where oh where might that be?) until they find a space. They’re asking for “final approval” for moving the house tonight at UDC, but I can’t find any information on it.

One person came to express his concern about the new/revised Hilldale project where they are building a hotel instead of the condos.

And finally, we sent back a bartenders license because the person had two drunk driving arrests in the past 5 years. Turns out, we don’t have any standards for who gets these licenses. However, I have no idea how Alder Kerr knew this, because, once again, there is no information available.

And then, we went to Brocach. The folks who went were Mayor Dave, Janet Piriano, City Attorney Michale May and Alders Rhodes-Conway, Webber, Schumacher, Kerr, Clear, Brandon (but he was awful busy watching his phone to get New Hampshire results), Judge, Verveer, Bruer, Rummel, Gruber and Solomon. Oh, and the Mike Verveer fan club.


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