Community Gardens on the Library?

Staff report says no. Community group has a lot of good information and a different opinion. Council votes tonight.

Here’s the staff analysis (18 pages but mostly white space, a quick read despite the length). Basically the conclusion is that it would cost too much money to make it accessible to the public, including extra railings, exit lights etc. And, the extra dirt and materials for gardening vs shrubs would cost too much. I’m thinking that they can cut some of these costs and I’m thinking they don’t need extra staff and an extra elevator and a $21,000 tool shed. The community garden I had a plot in didn’t have a tool shed. I’m also thinking that they just don’t want to do it and weren’t very creative about how to make it work – that other methodologies could have been used. They were working towards a “no” answer, not a trying to figure out how it might work. Seems to me there could have been some more creative options – besides “go look in the parks”. I’m also pretty offended after watching the Board of Estimates meeting, without reading the report, and believing that they had done some extensive study. The study is kind of disappointing now that I have read it.

And here’s the community analysis. This is a much more robust report with more details and options to make it work. I learned a whole lot more reading their report and wish the staff had addressed many of the issues they raised. They recommend some other options and point out that when they wanted gardens on top of a parking ramp the beds cost a little under $2,500 but these at the library cost over $19,000 per plot. That seems like a huge swing. I know there are some differences, but that’s a dramatic difference. Their report is more dense, probably took more time and has many more details that are worth reading.

Sadly, I’m guessing the new council will look at the shiny nice looking report and not read the more substantive one and see that they make some good points. The second report is worth reading. And the first report is worth questioning. I hope this new council does that work.

Of course, if they don’t, looks like we might have plenty more time to discuss this.


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