Complaints about Wasting Time . . . Waste Time.

More from the world of the ridiculous. While most of the contacts I get are about things that are relevant to the neighborhood like how to reduce traffic accidents on E Gorham Street, obnoxious neighbors shooting off firecrackers, questions about how noisy construction can be and if there are decibel limits or if the Taste of Madison should have extended hours this year . . . we also get the right-wing AM radio listeners/WSJ editorial believers that like to complain about wasting time . . . thereby, wasting time . . . however, this one, wasted a little more time than usual. Enjoy!

From: removed [mailto:removed]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 7:35 AM
Subject: Contact Alder Form
General Information
Name : Jeffrey Miller
Address : (removed) Ridgewood Way
City : Madison
State : WI
ZIP : 53713
Phone :
Work Phone :
Email : removed
Should we contact you?: Yes

Message :
I was watching a City Council meeting on television the other day (I was bored!) and noticed the desk placard for the Police Chef (sic). I’m surprised none of you ninnies know how to spell Chief. You should concentrate more on City issues and less on your ridiculous liberal agenda, such as worrying about what I eat and filing useless impeachment resolutions. Do you really think the President and Vice President are in their bunkers shaking in their boots over your nonsensical impeachment resolutions?? Get a clue and concentrate on City issues.

And of course, this prompted the following response from our Council staff:

Dear Mr. Miller,
From time to time, I’ll hear from someone who watches the Common Council meetings on Channel 12 that the nameplates for Noble Wray and Debra Amesqua read “Police Chef” and “Fire Chef,” respectively. The way the nameplates are engraved, the letters are very close together, and I can understand how it might appear that there is no letter “i” in the word “Chief,” especially since the letters are all capitals. I can assure you, however, that the titles are spelled correctly. The attached document is a scanned image of the actual nameplates and will verify the spelling.
Thank you,
Debbie Fields
Council Secretary

Thanks, Mr. Miller, for wasting our taxpayers’ dollars.


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