Comprehensive Plan – On to the Controversial Items

The phase one, the easy part is near done. Now, on to the changes the developers want, and the neighborhoods don’t. The big changes people were aware of were at Grandview Commons Grocery and Cherokee Marsh, but you will want to check out the other changes too.

From: Waidelich, Michael
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 12:13 PM
To: Ethington, Ruth
Cc: Grady, Brian
Subject: Update on the Comprehensive Plan Review Process and Upcoming Meetings

To Madison Neighborhood Associations:

This is an update and a reminder of two scheduled meetings next week related to the 2010-2011 Comprehensive Plan review and amendment process:

On Monday, May 16th, the Madison Plan Commission will accept a final list of potential Track 2 amendments to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan for formal evaluation and consideration. Track 2 consists of potential amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Generalized Future Land Use Plan Map that were requested by prospective developers or others to accommodate a specific proposed development or future land uses that would not be consistent with the recommendations in the current adopted plan. Inclusion on the final list of accepted amendments does not necessarily indicate that the requested amendments will be supported by City staff, the Plan Commission or Common Council, but only that they will be evaluated and considered. Most of the requested amendments would also require a corresponding amendment to the applicable neighborhood plan, and the planning process to develop specific Comprehensive Plan and Neighborhood Plan amendments for consideration and possible future adoption will include participation by the affected neighborhoods and Alders.

Nine Track 2 amendment requests have been submitted—six by the March 21 submittal deadline, and three after. Locator map and summary information sheets for the Track 2 requested amendments are attached, for your information. Copies of the Track 2 amendment request letters, comments received on the requested amendments, and additional information about the Comprehensive Plan review process and schedule are also available on the Comprehensive Plan website at:

On Tuesday, May 17th, the Madison Common Council will consider an ordinance to adopt the proposed Track 1 amendments to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan. Track 1 consists of amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Generalized Future Land Use Plan Map that either correct an error or omission in the adopted plan, or that were recommended in other City plans adopted or amended since January 2006. Because the Track 1 amendments are based on previous planning approvals and followed a process that included public participation in developing the recommendations, they are being considered first and separately from the Track 2 amendments. The Plan Commission recommended adoption of all the proposed Track 1 Comprehensive Plan amendments at their May 2, 2011, meeting.

A full description and locator maps of the proposed Track 1 amendments are available on the Comprehensive Plan website at:

If you have any questions about the upcoming meetings or the Comprehensive Plan review and amendment process, please let me know. Thank you.

Michael Waidelich
Principal Planner
Department of Planning & Community & Economic Development


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