Consent Agenda for Tonight

Edgewater, edgewater and edgewater related items. Plus, redistricting to be discussed.

Agenda Items #3 through #7 and #72 are PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS.

3. PUBLIC HEARING – Legislative File No. 19909 – Creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3500. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property. Proposed Use: Allied Drive, Phase 2, Constructing 20 Single-Family Residences and 5 Two-Family Residences; 10th Aldermanic District: 2329-2347 Allied Drive, 4711 Jenewein Road & 2320 Revival Ridge. (Recessed Public Hearing – Report of Plan Commission – Recommended Action: Recess PH to 5/3/11 – Ald. Mark Clear, Council President)

72. Legislative File No. 20126 Approving Plans, Specifications, and Schedule Of Assessments for Williamson Street and South Ingersoll Street Assessment District – 2011. (Referred to this meeting – PUBLIC HEARING)

10. Legislative File No. 20876 Submitting the name of Steven R. Cover for confirmation of a five-year term as the Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development.

The following items are extra-majority items to be included on the consent agenda with request for unanimous vote

17. Legislative File No. 20149 – Report of the Mayor submitting citizen committee appointments (Report of Mayor – 2/3 vote is required for Housing Committee appointment)

18. Legislative File No. 20814 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Addendum No. 2 to MSA Professional Services for additional planning services for “Central Park” and amending the 2011 Central Park Capital Budget to recognize funding from a National Endowment of the Arts Grant. Project No. 53W0853. ((Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

23. Legislative File No. 20863 Authorizing the execution of an Offer to Sell Real Estate with the State of Wisconsin for the purchase of four State-owned lots located at 302, 312, and 314 East Main Street and 21 South Butler Street for the expansion of the Brayton Parking Lot, a lease with the State of Wisconsin for spaces for its share-ride vans in the Parking Utility’s downtown parking facilities and the amendment of the 2011 Parking Utility Capital Budget for the acquisition of the lots. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

35. Legislative File No. 20416 – Amending the 2010 Capital Budget of the Streets Division to fund additional costs for the Streets Facility Upgrades Capital project. (Report of BOE – 15 votes required)

Items requested by alders to be placed on EXCLUSION LIST

15. Legislative File No. 20749 SUBSTITUTE Authorizing the creation of a Mansion Hill-James Madison Park Neighborhood Small Cap TIF Program in Tax Incremental District #32 (Upper State Street) to provide funding for the purchase and/or rehabilitation of rental properties to owner-occupied properties. (Report of Board of Estimates – Ald. Jed Sanborn, D. 1)

61. Legislative File No. 20272 To establish the Ad Hoc Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee to review and make a recommendation on the size of the Common Council and the City’s Ward and Aldermanic District boundaries. (Report of CCOC – Ald. Mark Clear, Council President – Recommendation to be made from the floor)

64. Legislative File No. 20664 SUBSTITUTE – Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Public Access Management Agreement with Edgewater Hotel Company LLC to govern the use, access, maintenance, operation and management of certain components of the proposed expansion of the Edgewater Hotel (Report of Plan Commission – Ald. Mike Verveer, D. 4)

65. Legislative File No. 20945 Accepting various grants of easement for public access and use on the Edgewater Hotel property, authorizing the termination of two existing easements, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute any necessary documents related thereto. (Report of Plan Commission – Ald. Mike Verveer, D. 4)


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