Coronavirus: An Opportunity to Enhance Local Government Engagement? (Updated)

Could coronavirus put local government’s plans to make government more accessible on steroids? 

Here’s the city’s report. Here’s the county’s report.

Tonight at the Public Safety Review Committee we noticed the meeting for one member of the committee to call in. Meanwhile, staff are dropping like flies.


Staff #1 – can’t make it.

Due to a last minute conflict, PO ____ will be unable to attend tomorrow’s PSRC meeting for the attrition presentation. Additionally, due to the short notice, ____ was not able to arrange for a replacement presenter so we will need to push this presentation to the April agenda.

Such a shame, a big question I have for tonight is about sending 100 officers to Milwaukee during the coronavirus and complaints about attrition and morale.  This presentation could have helped immensely.

Staff #2 – can’t make it.

Another staff member said they are following CDC guidelines for “social distancing” and only sending in a report.

We are in Planning mode for Coronavirus Preparedness to ensure that the we can continue to provide services in the event staffing levels are impacted due to illness and we are following the CDC guide lines of Social Distancing and reduce nonessential exposure for the near future while we get a handle on this.

Makes perfect sense, since we are talking about the police and fire department (Ambulance/EMS) staff.

Staff #3 – can’t make it.

Another staff member who stayed home sick today is interested in calling in for the meeting as well.

Unfortunately, the City Attorney’s office is correct when they say the following:

Staff can appear via the phone. Committee members can only appear via phone if it has been properly noticed. Please let me know if you have further questions.


So if I’m sick, I can’t call in to the meeting.  But if staff are sick, they can?

What about members of the public who are sick?  Surely we don’t want them showing up to give public input.


First of all, in all the coronavirus planning the city and county are doing, I wonder if this has even come up?  It must have, right?

Second, it would mean the Mayor would have to suspend the portion of the APM that says the following:

Appearances by Telephone – Whenever a City body anticipates that a member will appear by telephone/teleconference or that a person shall be testifying or appearing by telephone/teleconference, staff shall ensure that the meeting notice/agenda specifically and conspicuously identifies which persons or members shall be appearing by such means. A member so participating shall count towards the official quorum of the body. Staff shall be responsible for coordinating the use of appropriate equipment so that the attending public can readily observe such person’s participation in the meeting. No person shall be allowed to participate in any meeting where the meeting notice failed to state the person would appear by telephone/teleconference means or where such equipment is unavailable or unusable at the time of the meeting.

APMs are done solely by the mayor, so perhaps she could put some other restrictions in place that could ensure the public has access and follows open meetings laws.  This does not require city council approval.

Third, can’t we find a way to have members of the public dial in to listen to meetings or send in their input?  Seems like with the technology in the new meetings rooms in the Municipal building that would be a start.

Isn’t this a great opportunity for us to use technology to keep government open and accessible while we are all being told to stay home and avoid gatherings of larger amounts of people?  With all the big screens, cameras and other technology in the city rooms, surely we should be able to figure out something to prevent a lot of canceled meetings.


Moments after I posted this article, County Board Chair Analiese Eicher sent out an email about the County Board plans!  See full email here.



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