Council Agenda Items and How to register to Speak on the Edgewater

Here’s a list of the issues of interest on the council agenda besides the Edgewater and the issues that are likely to be discussed unless they refer them, but a couple are time sensitive and can’t be referred. Also, here’s how to register on the 6 items related to the Edgewater that you see on the Agenda. I’m sure every alder thoroughly read all the materials for the meeting.

#12 – Choosing the Monona Terrace for the High Speed Rail Station.
#23 – Funding for Staff for Energy Grants (while the staff is busy working in the mayor’s office)
#24 – Dog Parks
#55 – CDBG Funding Priorities
#62 & 63 – Low Income Bus Pass Program
#65 – Community Services Funding Priorities
#66 – Intercity Bus Policies and Solutions Report Requested

What I’m listing below is what will happen if they follow their rules, but since they typically haven’t been following the rules on this project, that is probably too much to expect. Rumor has it that they are going to tell the public they have 5 minutes to speak on all the items, instead of the 21 minutes people would be entitled to if they follow their rules and if someone chose to speak on each item, which I suspect most people would not.

#3 Planned Unit Development or PUD (GDP-SIP)
This is the PUD, its a public hearing and you get 5 minutes to speak. This questions is what do you think about the land use and design of the building. The council looks at all the reports and is supposed to decide if it meets the PUD standards. I’ll bet, not one of them mentions the standards, they like the project and it’s good for economic development isn’t enough, but that is what they will talk about.

SUBSTITUTE Creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3453. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from HIST-MH Mansion Hill Historic District, OR Office Residence District, and R6H General Residence District to PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District and creating Section 28.06(2)(a)3454. of the Madison General Ordinances rezoning property from PUD(GDP) Planned Unit Development (General Development Plan) District to PUD(SIP) Planned Unit Development (Specific Implementation Plan) District. Proposed Use: Redevelop and Expand Existing Edgewater Hotel and Construction of a Parking Structure; 666 Wisconsin Avenue and a Portion of 2 East Gilman Street: 2nd Aldermanic District.

This item requires a 3/4 vote or 15 votes because the neighbors filed a protest petition.

#4 Old Landmarks Appeal
This items is being “place on file” which is city government speak for tossing it in the garbage can. This is the appeal of the original Landmarks decision on the previous project. Technically you would have 5 minutes to speak on this item.

Appeal by the Hammes Company of the Landmarks Commission decision not to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness and variance for the proposed Edgewater Hotel redevelopment, 666 Wisconsin Avenue; 2nd Ald. Dist.

#5 Conditional Use
This is the appeal of the Conditional Use, where the Plan Commission had zero discussion about the motion to approve it. I don’t see how they could find the standards were met for the conditional use without some discussion. This item the council will need to vote to see if they would even consider the conditional use.

Appeal by property owners notified of this matter objecting to the establishment of a Waterfront Development Conditional Use for the Edgewater Hotel, 666 Wisconsin Ave., as approved by the City of Madison Plan Commission on March 23, 2010.

This item is a 2/3 vote item, or 14 votes, to overturn the Plan Commission if they agree to hear the appeal.

#6 Landmarks Appeal
This is the Hammes Company appeal of the Landmarks decision not to grant the Certificate of Appropriateness. Last time the Landmarks Commission voted it was 5 – 2, this time it was 6 – 1. And in the mean time, the project got taller, wider, longer and closer to the lake. And its still not set back from the right of way.

Appeal by the Hammes Company of the Landmarks Commission decision of May 10, 2010 not to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness and variance for the proposed Edgewater Hotel redevelopment, 666 Wisconsin Avenue; 2nd Ald. Dist.

This item is a 2/3 vote item or they need 14 votes to overturn the Landmark’s denial, if that doesn’t happen, the project can’t move forward.

#22 TIF
This is the $16 million dollar question . . . and it only needs 11 votes. Well that, and $43M in equity from the developer, a huge bank loan, approval from the Joint Board of Review and a few other miracles to happen. And, the council still needs to approve the Management agreement for the public access space, so we don’t even know what the $16M for public space is really going to do.

Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a development agreement to fund a $16,000,000 Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) Loan to Landmark X, LLC (“Developer”) to assist in the evelopment of the Edgewater Hotel redevelopment project.

This is an 11 vote item and likely to get the least support of all the decisions.

#64 Amending the 1965 Ordinance
This is the item where they change the set back requirement, allow them to use public dollars on the property even tho we already gave the land away and as a condition of that they are not supposed to get any more public dollars and lastly, allow condo development on the property.

Amending Ordinance Number 1761, File Number 4600-41 adopted on January 28, 1965 which provided for the vacation of a portion of Wisconsin Avenue.

By the time they get to this, its all over, but its an 11 vote item, which they should take out of order and vote on before the TIF, but who knows.

Anyone want to guess at what time on Wednesday morning the council meeting ends?


  1. Why is Mayor Dave so hellbent on putting the city further into debt by lending $16 million to the private Edgewater developers? Is Dave anticipating big campaign donations from realtors and construction trades? Will Edgewater be renamed Dave's Hotel? Will Dave finally be invited to Christmas and hanukah parties with the city's wealthy elite? Something's up, for sure, and that includes my taxes! I would rather have a really nice downtown Library, thank you very much!


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