Council Amendments to be Considered Tonight (Tuesday)

For what it is worth . . . here they are. The language for the amendments are here.

1 Fire — Station 2 Remodel (Grand Canyon Dr)

General Borrowing 1,244,000
Other Funds
Total 1,244,000
Average Future year debt service $145,835

Sponsors: Alds. Clear, Subeck, Cnare, Skidmore, Johnson
Move funding from 2013 to 2012 for the remodeling, equipping and furnishing of Station No. 2.

2 Fire — New Station 5 (Far East Side)

General Borrowing 360,000
Other Funds
Total 360,000
Average Future year debt service $42,203

Sponsors: Alds. Johnson, Cnare, Skidmore, Subeck, Clear, Schmidt, Resnick, Phair, King

Complete the design of a Far East Station in 2012 with borrowing reauthorized from 2011. Include $6,210,500 in 2013 for construction.

3 IT — Server Air Conditioning Units

General Borrowing 113,000
Other Funds
Total 113,000
Average Future year debt service $13,247

Sponsors: Alds. Clear, Resnick, Schmidt

The Information Technology Data Center renovation is an approved project in the 2011 Facilities Management capital budget. This project will replace old air conditioning systems with more energy efficient ones resulting in long term cost savings and continued reliable computer operations. Bids came in higher than expected and an additional $113,000 is needed to complete the project.

4 Capital Gateway — E. Wash Median Opening ($550k – 013)

General Borrowing
Other Funds
Average Future year debt service $0

Sponsors: Rhodes-Conway, Maniaci, Rummel

Reconstruct East Washington for approximately 500 feet at the intersection of North Livingston Street to allow for left turns from East Washington onto North and South Livingston. Project includes removing existing median, removing and replacing concrete pavement and sidewalk, moving street lighting, installing signal and left turn lanes to allow protected left turn. Construction Year 2013 Cost: $550,000 (Source is TID #36 “Capitol Gateway Corridor” reimbursable General Obligation Debt in Year 2013)Assessments: none

5 State Street Mall — Street Furniture

General Borrowing
Other Funds $30,000
Average Future year debt service

Sponsors: Verveer, Resnick

Provide funding for additional street furniture (bicycleracks, trash and recycling receptacles, etc.) along State Street Mall Capitol Concourse.

6 Williamson Street — utilities

General Borrowing
Other Funds (1,000,000)
Average Future year debt service

Sponsors: Alds. Clear, Subeck, Cnare, Ellingson, Bruer, Johnson

Delete all funding for the project. (See Board of Estimates Amendment No. 4 and the amendment adopted 10-10-11.)

7 Williamson Street — utilities
General Borrowing
Other Funds (450,000)
Average Future year debt service

Sponsors: Alds. Rummel, Verveer
Reduce project funding from $1,000,000 to $550,000. (See Board of Estimates Amendment No. 4 and the amendment adopted 10-10-11.)

8 Fleet Facility — study language and council approval

General Borrowing
Other Funds
Average Future year debt service

Sponsors: Mayor Soglin, Alds. Verveer, Rhodes-Conway, Claussius, Solomon, Palm

Replace narrative with the following: “The City has a number of space needs related to its bus and vehicle fleet, fire and streets equipment, and police evidence storage. In order to respond to these needs in the most cost-effective and efficient manner, the Mayor will create a staff team that will prepare a report to the Common Council making recommendations regarding overall space requirements, facility relocations and potential property acquisitions. Release of funding is contingent upon Council approval.”

9 Fleet / Streets — site selection review / council approval

General Borrowing
Other Funds
Average Future year debt service

Sponsors: Alds. Schmidt, Bidar-Sielaff, Rummel

Municipal facilities, especially those for vehicle maintenance, must be carefully located to avoid curtailing potential economic development and creating negative environmental impacts. No expenditures shall occur for the new maintenance facility (Streets Project #1 and Fleet Project #5 ) without a site selection and planning review process, with the recommendation to be approved by the Common Council.

10 Fleet / Streets — study / delay funds to 2013

General Borrowing
Other Funds (2,600,000)
Average Future year debt service ($304,799)

Sponsors: Alds. Clear, Subeck, Cnare, Schmidt, Ellingson, Bruer, Johnson, Weier

Move funding to 2013. Add narrative, “Facilities Management will lead an inter-departmental team to develop a comprehensive long-term facilities plan to include Public Works, Metro, Fire and Water Utility to be delivered to the Mayor and Common Council by June 1, 2012 for inclusion in the 2013-2018 CIP.”

11 Vehicle Maintenance — S. Point Rd.

General Borrowing
Other Funds (1,200,000)
Average Future year debt service ($140,677)

Sponsors: Clear, Subeck, Cnare, Schmidt, Ellingson, Bruer, Johnson, Weier

Reduce the Year 2012 amount to the $2,500,000 that was included in the 2011 Adopted Budget Capital Improvement Program. Change the narrative to specify that the project is for construction of warm storage facility at South Point.

12 Parks — James Madison

General Borrowing
Other Funds 101,000
Average Future year debt service

Sponsors: Maniaci, Clear, Clausius

This project provides funding for improvements at James Madison Park and other parklands. Improvements at James Madison may include any of the following components: garden, terrace and accessible paths; parking, lighting, and public art; lakeshore pier; lakeshore staircase and gazebo; renovation of park shelter; playground and shelter furnishings; irrigation, signage, bocce, horseshoe, and exercise areas. Project costs are to be entirely offset by proceeds from the sale of structures and the long-term lease of land for the properties located at 640 (Worden House), 646 (Ziegelman House), and 704 (Collins House) East Gorham Street, including $101,000 from the sale and lease proceeds from disposition of the property at 640 East Gorham Street (see Legistar #23900). Improvements will not be made until revenues are received. Proceeds from the sale or lease of all properties within the Park will be divided equally between James Madison Park and general parklands.

13 Parks — Park Ridge Spray Park ($700k in 2013)

General Borrowing
Other Funds
Average Future year debt service

Sponsors: Subeck, Phair

This project provides $700,000 of General Obligation Debt funding in the Year 2013 for the purchase of land and development of a spray park in the Park Ridge Neighborhood.

14 Parks — Hudson Beach

General Borrowing 110,000
Other Funds (40,000)
Total 70,000
Average Future year debt service $12,895

Sponsors: Alds. Rummel, Bidar-Sielaff, Schmidt

Increase funding for the Hudson Beach repair project. The 2012 Executive Budget contains funding of $40,000 from impact fees (SI25 Olbrich Park) and $40,000 from private fundraising, for total project costs of $80,000. This amendment provides funding of $110,000 of General Obligation Debt and $40,000 of impact fees (SI25 Olbrich Park), for total project costs of $150,000.

15 Parks — Churchill Heights Shelter

General Borrowing
Other Funds 45,000
Total 45,000
Average Future year debt service

Sponsors: Clausius, Clear

This project provides funding for the installation of a shelter at Churchill Heights Park. Other funding is from Park Development Impact Fees (SI22 Reindahl District).

16 Parks — Stevens Street

General Borrowing
Other Funds 15,000
Total 15,000
Average Future year debt service

Sponsors: Alds. Bidar-Sielaff, Schmidt

This project provides funding for improvements in Stevens Street Park. Plans include adding fencing; other minor improvements may also be considered. Other funding is from Park Development Impact Fees (SI27 Vilas-Brittingham District).

17 Edgewater

General Borrowing 12,700,000
Other Funds
Total 12,700,000
Average Future year debt service $1,488,827

Sponsors: Alds. Clear, Maniaci, Cnare, King, Resnick, Skidmore, Schmidt, Bruer, Clausius, Phair

Increase the reauthorization from 2011 by $12.7M for financial assistance for the expansion of the Edgewater Hotel, to a total of $16M as was included in the 2011 adopted capital budget. The debt service for General Obligation borrowing is TIF eligible.

18 Edgewater job goals

General Borrowing
Other Funds
Average Future year debt service

Sponsors: Solomon, Rhodes-Conway, Verveer

Add the following language to the project narrative: “During the operational portion of the project, the following shall apply:

oDeveloper agrees that it or its designated hotel operator will enter into a neutrality agreement with any unions appropriate for and interested in the project, whereby the developer and/or its designated operator (1) agrees to remain neutral to the efforts of any union to organize and represent hotel employees and (2) agrees to allow for an orderly and expeditious mechanism for the determination of representational status, provided the developer and/or operator shall not be prevented from correcting misstatements or distortions of fact.

o Developer shall strive toward a goal of 25% of all project jobs exceed living wage ordinance requirements by 20% and/or through the provision of employer sponsored benefits equivalent to 20% excess. However, this requirement is automatically satisfied if those jobs are included in a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) that expressly states the CBA supersedes living wage requirements.

o Of the 25% jobs exceeding living wage, 15% should be held by targeted individuals.

oTargeted populations shall be defined as 1) low income individuals making less than $64,000 (HUD Dane County definition), 2) underemployed individuals, 3) veterans, 4) minorities, and/or 5) women and with an emphasis on residents of the City of Madison.

oDeveloper will provide an annual report to the city for each of the ten years following the construction phase. If two consecutive reports show performance is less than 80% of the goal, then developer will meet with city staff and selected members of the Common Council to determine mutually agreeable additional steps that will be taken to meet identified goals.”

19 Capital Gateway — Match for Brownfields

General Borrowing
Other Funds
Average Future year debt service

Sponsors: Alds. Rhodes-Conway, Maniaci, Rummel

Amend the second sentence of the narrative to read: “$5.5 million is provided for financial assistance for potential development of the former Don Miller properties projects within TID #36, which will include up to $80,000 to be used for the required City cost-share for two EPA Brownfield Clean-up Grants for the 800 North Block of E. Washington Avenue.”

20A SW Side Community Center

General Borrowing 900,000
Other Funds
Total 900,000
Average Future year debt service $105,507

Sponsors: Alds. Subeck, Phair

Add funding in 2012 for the purchase of land and rehabilitation/redevelopment of a Community Center serving the greater Southwest side.

20B SW Side Community Center — split 2012/2013

General Borrowing 550,000
Other Funds
Total 550,000
Average Future year debt service $64,477

Sponsors: Alds. Subeck, Phair

Add funding of $550,000 in 2012 for the purchase of land for a Community Center serving the greater Southwest side. Provide funding of $350,000 in 2013 for associated rehabilitation/redevelopment costs.

21 Capital Budget — Reauthorization Report

General Borrowing
Other Funds
Average Future year debt service

Sponsors: Alds. Subeck, Johnson
Staff will include with the Executive Capital Budget a report indicating which projects are included as reauthorizations from the current year. The report will also list those current year projects that will be canceled or postponed to a future year in the Capital Improvement Program.


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