County Board Budget Meetings

Now, more than ever, we need to get creative. But, we can’t do that at the expense of the most needy in our community. This is no longer just for budget geeks, this impacts everyone!

August 26, 2011

TO: Dane County Board of Supervisors
Department Heads
Other Interested Parties

FROM: Supervisor Scott McDonell, Chair
Dane County Board of Supervisors

SUBJECT: 2012 Departmental Budget Request Public Hearings

Section 29.23 of the Dane County Code of Ordinances provides for public hearings on departmental budget requests to be convened jointly by the County Executive and County Board. The hearings are intended to allow members of the Board and the County Executive to hear from department heads about their respective budget requests, and also to allow members of the public, including members of advisory commissions and boards, to raise issues to the Executive and Board prior to the introduction of the County Executive’s recommended budget.

A primary goal of these hearings is to provide supervisors an opportunity to learn about budgets for departments overseen by committees on which they do not serve. The hearings will be posted as committees of the whole, and all supervisors are expected to attend.

At the hearings, each department will present a 5-10 minute overview of its budget request, members of the public may present testimony, followed by questions from the County Board and Executive.

The schedule for the public hearings on 2012 departmental budget requests is as follows:

Thursday, September 8, 2011 – 6:00 PM in Room 201 City County Building,

All county departments except Department of Human Services:
– Department of Administration
– Treasurer
– General County Revenues
– County Board
– Land Information Office
– County Executive
– Debt Service
– County Clerk
– Miscellaneous Appropriations
– Library
– Public Works, Highway and Transportation
– Land and Water Resources
– Solid Waste
– Planning and Development
– University Extension
– Emergency Management
– Veterans Services
– Juvenile Court Program
– Corporation Counsel
– Sheriff
– Clerk of Courts
– Public Safety Communication
– Register of Deeds
– District Attorney
– Family Court Counseling
– Alliant Energy Center
– Medical Examiner
– Zoo
– Public Health – Madison and Dane County
– Airport

The order of presentations for this hearing will be determined later and communicated to all parties.

Monday, September 12, 2011 – 6:00 PM at Exhibition Hall of the Alliant Energy Center of Dane County. Department of Human Services/Programs addressing:
· Badger Prairie Health Care Center
· Economic Assistance & Work Services
· Adult Mental Health Services
· Child Welfare & Delinquency Programs (including prevention, early intervention & treatment) and Children’s Mental Health Services

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 – 6:00 PM at Exhibition Hall of the Alliant Energy Center of Dane County. Department of Human Services/Programs addressing:
· Services for Seniors
· Services for Individuals with Developmental, Physical & Sensory Disabilities
· Substance Abuse Services for Children & Adults

An additional hearing will be held in October on the County Executive’s recommended budget, on a date to be determined.

Please let our office know if you have any questions or need additonal information.


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