County Board Budget Moving Forward (Final)

Conservation fund cut to $1M, Legacy Fund cut to $500,000, Rhythm & Booms cut, THRIVE cut, FSAT funded, County to pay for burials for indigent people, Stoughton Human Services office will stay, Commonwealth Development youth program and a few other small programs funded. Next meeting, Monday at 6:00.

So, this might not make a whole lot of sense to all of you, and its hard to make it make sense without alot more time. You have to follow the code. It starts by looking at the amendments here and here. You might also see my previous blog from the first meeting which might also help you follow along. I apologize for the alphabet soup, will try to help you crack the code along the way.

Miles and Vialante explain the amendments that passed ZLR (Zoning and Land Regulation)

ZLR1 – Capital Budget item, also went to Executive and PP&J (Public Protection and Judiciary). Continues freeze. Hulsey asks Hendrick if there is a substitute. He is agreeable to the substitute, the main issue is if the standing committees would be involved in unfreezing items, they hand out a substitute. Hendrick says if an item is in excess of $100,000 it will be frozen and only Personnel and Finance necessary for the unfreezing.

ZLR2 – $20,000 eliminated for THRIVE. Sentiment of the committee is that if we have to cut BUILD, we can’t support TRHIVE either. BUILD has clear economic impact. deFelice asks if this is the total, he says yes. Stoebig asks who else funds THRIVE, in what amounts. Knows that they went to each of the 8 counties for support but doesn’t have amounts. McDonell asks if we will be the only county not funding it. They don’t know. O’Laughlin says we are the biggest county and it would be bad for us not to participate. Miles says that BUILD has a tangible return to the county and they got cut.

ZLR5 – Register of Deeds – added fee for register of deed for $5 per document filed and the fee would be used to pay for social security number redaction. Register of Deed needs project employees to get the work done. That is the estimated cost to hire two people, equip them and provide them with the software. The fee is dependent upon the state passing the law and it would be for 5 years. That is why these are project positions, not permanent. They have a page of the amendment missing in their packet.

ZLR 6 is the extra money to be put in the special reserve fund if need to hire additional people, that is just the additional money for social security number redaction. Stoebig asks about state legislation. Miles says all moot if it doesn’t pass, Erpenbach is drafting it.

Chuck Erickson and staff explained the EANR (Environment, Agricuture and Natural Resources)

EANR1 – They explain this is carry over money from Tree Baord, good description in the amendment by Stoebig. Stoebig adds that the understanding and intent is to work on gypsy moth coordination role and responsibility. Don’t know why all their funding taken away, but Rusk and he urged them to reconsider the spending decisions, but they will still have a role and function. Hulsey asks about Emerald Ash. Staff says this money not doing anything on that issue.

EANR 2a and 2b go together. I missed the description of these amendments.
[Whatever distracted me made me note how nice these new rooms are. The mic system and seating and chairs are all new and it makes the rooms really functional and easy to use. It would be great for the city to have nice facilities like this.]

EANR 3 – Weed cutting funded by neighborhood groups $20,000. This is new for next year. Stoebig asks where the revenue comes from. Wants to make sure that we are not creating a hole. Staff says they need agreements with money up front. Condo on Lake Mendota did this and it worked well. They pay up front. Someone notes this is still early in process with experimental projects, shouldn’t we wait until we conclude that. Stoebig says no. 9 harvesters, used 6 – they have the equipment. Ripp says placeholders, right? Spend it if we get it. They say yes. O’Laughlin asks if this would be an annual fee they are starting. Staff says condo and neighborhood association’s that have needs that they would not be able to get to, they can contribute to increased service. O’laughlin says it is close to a fee. Hulsey says focused most of activities in the river in the last year and that many only got one pass instead of two. People were offering to pay us to cut the weeds.

EARN 4 – 13,000, $10,000 safety pilot study because of the beach closings. $3,000 for lake level study, so the study would be completed and published. They ended up in committee, taking it out of the legacy fund. Stoebig asks about direction to Board of health to do a study. Hulsey said that they tried this on Lake Wingra and they want to use these to capture blue green algae, think they can match it with CNR,

EANR 5 – Conservation fund reduction is minimally described.

EANR 6 – Reduce the 847,000 Legacy Fund also minimally described.

EANR 7 – They explain the revenue for this amendment comes from the waterways commission. Stoebig says if Racine can get a new harbor, they can help us with Babcock dams.

EANR 12 – Lake level study. Looks at documenting managing lake levels.

Opitz describes the Public Works and Transportation amendments.

PWT 1 – Bus Shelter at Airport.

Also considered an ordinance amendment that needs a budget amendment to increase $1.25 to $1.50 for parking and that will come to them next week. Ordinance Amendment 32 – adopted 2 – 1 vote, increases parking fees at Alliant Energy center, passed by committee. He will not be introducing such an amendment because he voted against it. Stoebig asks why lower hourly parking fee at the center. Martz supported it and is here. Concern is that we increase the fees every year to lessen the impact in the fees. Ordinance amendment not on the calendar for tomorrow night, that will be inconsistent with the budget.

The Ripp amendment P&F #2 (Personnel & Finance)transfer solid waste fee to general fund. Not considered by committee but supportive. #15 is important as well.

I’m going to much of this . . . but here’s a quick overview.

Sheriff folks were there not supporting anything not related to them, they should be the only priority.

The conservation fund and legacy fund had several supporters asking them not to zero it out completely and explaining why in this economy it is wise to purchase land (costs less, people need it for recreation, don’t want to lose an opportunity that will be forever lost, concerns about flooding, voters supported this with 76% of the vote, etc.)

Sheriff’s Association also testified that we should be making money off of inmaters who eat snacks and use the phones in the jail, which I may try to fit in a bit when the amendment comes up.

District Attorney’s office came to request to fill a position they need in the victim witness services area. This is a mandated service and helps the short-staffed District Attorneys.

Also registrants in support of restoring book budget for library and to expand Commonwealth Development program.

Human services still had many people there to support restoring the 3% cuts and to fund FSAT which had 80% of the program cut.

[Sorry, just too much blogging time needed and too many long meetings]

These are taken up in an order that had logic to someone, but its not immediately obvious, so they will skip around. Also, some of it moved very quickly and I hope I got it all right, I may be contacted to make a few corrections here.

P&F 24 Capital Budget Freeze
Stoebig moves adoption, McDonell seconds. This is a substitute for the freeze on capital spending. There are no copies available for the public. they explain they don’t want staff to have to go to additional meetings so they will only go to Personnel and Finance. It is also limited to $100,000 so smaller items will be exempt from the freeze. It also includes a trigger so when they meet financial goals, the freeze is lifted. This respects the staff and their time but allows us this important check.

Stoebig says capital freeze appeal requests made, except for one or two they were in a helpful format, is there a way to informally make sure they are instructed to use that format.

McDonell says he worked with Hendrick on this. Hendrick sort of reluctantly says that he can live with it but that he liked his original idea better.

deFelice asks about if it goes to the full board? They say no, contract would go to full board and simple majority.

Stoebig says that county board gets two kicks, one for contract and one for bond when they borrow the money.

Hulsey says three, they have the budget in front of them.

McDonell says four, they could always not pay the bill.[He deadpanned that, couldn’t tell if he was joking or not.]

Motion passes 8 – 0.

ZLR 2 – Reducing funding for THRIVE
They discuss briefly with no motion. New staff for THRIVE is there. They say this needs to be reduced, not essential but this is has been valuable in getting local farmers products in local supermarkets and good work and hate to be the largest county and totally defund them. McDonell wants to leave a token amount in. He makes a motion to decrease the cut from $20,000 to $15,000.

McDonell moves to leave $5,000 in the fund.

O’Laughlin says it should be $20K.

DeSmidt says it should be $2K.

Ripp seconded McDonell.

Stoebig says that savings goes to offset zoning permit fee revenues for 2010. Are we already anticipating reductions in projections.

Hendrick says not discussed when up here but projections for zoning permit revenues were that they would be more in 2010 than 2009 and they thought it was ambitious and the committee said that they should reduce the projections. They are seeing less applications. Hendrick says land conversion fee is at the same usage levels.

Hulsey asks asks if 15,000 also goes to offset fees?

McDonell says see where we are at the end.

Motion passes 8 – 0.

ZLR 5 & 6 – Social Security Redaction at Register of Deeds
McDonell moved, missed the second. Say it contingent on the legislation passing at the state, but revenue neutral.

Motion passes 8 – 0.

P&F 2 –Deterimining where money for Weed Cutting comes from
McDonell asks Ripp to explain. Corp Council says can’t do what they want to do but the they can’t take the money from solid waste, so its coming from general revenue. McDonell says we are agreeing that this is not an ongoing expense. [I’m not sure they understand it themselves.]

Stoebig moves, McDonell seconds.

Hulsey says they are definitely deciding to decide next year.

Motion passes 8 – 0.

P & F 1 Restoring $19K for Library Book Budget
Nobody makes the motion. Essentially they refuse to consider the amendment.

P & F 3 Rhythm & Booms
Ripp says it is similar to another motion, but that he wants the sheriff and others to still provide in-kind services.

McDonell wants to place it on the table, Hulsey has an amendment as well.

deFelice wants to cut it and give the money to FSAT.

McDonell agrees FSAT is a higher priority.

PP&J 18 – Inmate phone contract
McDonell explains that these are revenues over and above the cost to the department. The contract is new and if they figure this out they also need to get an ordinance passed. He says that there is a will to get as much money as they can but still let lower income inmates, not just technically indigent, be able to contact their families. He says they should put it off and continue working on it. If they make money later they can use it for the contingent reserve.

O’Laughlin amends to $5,000 as a placeholder. Ripp seconds.

Hulsey asks PP&J to come back to P&F with a proposal by March 1 and its friendly. Need to keep process moving forward.

Passes 8 – 0.

P&F 5 – Not funding frozen county positions saving $1.8M
[Hmmm . . . isn’t that the amount of the 3% cut to human services?]

O’Laughlin says he hears that DA’s Office and Public Works needs their positions. He says the list is a moving target. He suggest that they not take action tonight, but that they look at it further either Monday or on budget night.

McDonell says they need to go through it line by line, tonight or next week. Doesn’t want to change date of budget night. Sensitive that on by putting people on furlough and need not filling positions they need to be sensitive to work load.

Topf Wells (County Execs Office) wants to remind committee that in the salary savings line they have $3.6M built in already, about 4% of the payroll. That is a hefty but doable number, to be frank, if a number of these positions are taken to increase the line, may make it harder to hit the target. Also, most departments have a pool of vacancies that the county exec regularly reviews if appealed. Not yet unfrozen the case manager, but just approved more DA positions, as new vacancies occur move on the new vacancies, rotating number and types of vacancies. If some frozen now, DA would be here not saying don’t freeze other positions. Reduces their flexibility. Understands the utility to look at it position by positions, but there are larger legitimate concerns.

O’Laughlin says 100 positions unfilled and funded. He’s just looking to see if there are long time vacancies.

deFelice says Wells raises a good point and we could upset the larger savings, but lauds O’Lauglins efforts.

McDonell wants to go through it and find a way to handle concern of double counting, they could designate the money to the general fund cuz no harm done.

O’Laughlin says concerned about tax rate and wants to show we are bringing a tax rate from 4.xx to 7.9 but want to properly staff and provide the services.

Hulsey notes that half the people represented in this cut are Council 720 positions and they aren’t here because they are ratifying their contract.

They put it off – come back Monday night.

P&F 6 – Holding back money for Genesis Corporation until they pay their property taxes
Stoebig moves, McDonell second, pass 8 – 0

P&F 7 – Restoring 3% cut to Human Services
They voted on that Monday night.

P&F 8 Removing funding for UW Small Business Development Center
Stoebig (Ripp?) moves adoption. Seconded by O’Laughlin.

O’Laughlin says that people can go to the extension for the services.

Stoebig asks who does the small business assistance due to staffing cuts and vacancies? Notes UW extension can do it too. And there is the state Dept of Commerce as well.

Wells sasys that the Director of this program is one of the best, scrupulous in getting reports in, might want to look at the report. We do get a service that is specific, it is the help line and no one else offers that for Dane County small businesses. County doesn’t do much for small businesses, all aware of state of economy and that small businesses create 80% of jobs, was cut a bit, but in the middle of a recession shouldn’t eliminate the one piece.

McDonell moves to postpone, Hesselbein seconds. Motion passes.

P&F 9 – Elimianate senior planner
No motion is made.

P&F 10 – Monument restoration funds at $5,000
O’Laughlin moves adoption, Ripp seconds.

They only used $2200 last year. Staff says that this was discussed in committee. Surveyor has a report for them and he would like to provide it to them.

Hesselbein moves to postpone, Stoebig seconds.

deFelice says that here’s more money for FSAT.

O’Laughlin doesn’t want to postpone.

McDonell says committee was clear, but we didn’t hear from the committee and wants to respect them.

McDonell moves postpone, Stoebig seconds. [I guess they didn’t acknowledge the first motion.]

Ripp asks for history of funding for the last few years.

Staff says that they are obligated under state law, can’t predict how much it will be. They replace about 60 per year – if we need to replace them, we have to. Most are destroyed through state construction projects and then they provide the funds. Allows them a buffer.

McDonell says they can do a fund transfer in your department. People like Sheriff and Human Services get hit with unexpected expenses all the time.

Stoebig asks about state having to pay. Staff says under state statute county responsibility to replace if requested to replace it.

They suggest they change the state law.

Passes 8 – 0 to postpone.

P&F 11 – I don’t know what it is, not in my packet or on-line?
They agree to skip this for now.

P&F 12 – Levin’s Living Wage Amendment
They say it was discussed last time, there was no motion then and there is no motion now.

P&F 13 a & b – Rhythm & Booms>\
They say they will discuss this one on Monday, but they do end up discussing it later

P&F 14 – Capital Rail contingency.
McDonell moves to delete. DeSmidt seconds.

McDonell explains that this is ancient carry over money that was never spent. [This is the mysterious money on the still can’t be found page 798.] He says that he doesn’t want people to think that this money is to be for commuter rail when we don’t have plans to spend it.

Passes unanimously.

P&F 15 – Landfill money used from cash not borrowing
Stoebig moves approval, Ripp seconds.

Ripp explains that the rational for this was when he was going through capital projects he found the expenditure of 200,000 for future land fill study. Solid waste fund is there to cover these costs. This is less than step one in the process and they shouldn’t borrow, should pay for it from the fund.

Someone asks controller how much money is in the fund. Controller doesn’t have the balance info with him. He says that he told Ripp this is the beginning of the siting of a landfill. Other studies are put in the capital budget when considering if they should build new. He thinks it is a legitimate cost that could be borrowed for. The solid waste fund is faced with re-evaluation of a fund and requires money to be available and that impact isn’t calculated yet, which is whey you see several projects being borrowing instead of cash. These are likely 5 year borrowing not 20 year.

Stoebig asks if when they build a new landfill, do they envision the financing to be general obligation borrowing, or will the solid waste fund directly pay for the landfill. Comptroller says he doesn’t don’t know, too much speculation.

Someone clarifies that debt service on the bonds is in capital budget would be repaid by revenues from fund, not tax levy. Comptroller wants to do this this way.

Wells says if we build a new landfill, we would not cash out the fund, they might use some of it and borrow some, but its not a realistic option.

deFelice wants to move forward.

Stoebig removed the amendment.

P&F 16 (Tellurian Detox), 17 (Commonwealth Development), 18 (homeless AODA treatment) & 19 (indigent burial expenses)
They decide to consider these later when they know how much money they have left before they go over the 7.9% levy.

EANR 1 – Carry forward $2,500 in Tree Board Money
Stoebig moves approval, DeSmidt seconds.

Passes without discussion.

EANR 2 a & b (this is the one I missed the explanation of and the link to it isn’t working but its “Increase Stormwater Controls capital line, decrease LWL Fund Land Acq. by $150K”), 3 (weed cutting) & 4 (beach scum sucker pilot and lake level study)

Hulsey moves them all, McDonell seconds and at first there is no discussion.

Ripp asks why grouping and asks to separate #4 (scum suckers and beach study).

Stoebig asks if they worked the other two out with staff. Hulsey says yes.

Erickson says yes and it is one of their priorities.

P&F 2a&b and 3 pass 8 -0

EANR 4 (Scum suckers and lake level study
Hulsey explains there is a letter from a professor and what this amendment covers.

Stoebig moves approval, DeSmidt seconds.

O’Laughlin asks how much total project is. $20 – 25K, thinks DNR will match it. Booms will be build by parks staff, if they build them it saves $10K.

O’Laughlin asks if they have a letter from DNR, they don’t but they think they can do it. In addition to doing the pilot, might be able to do installation.

O’Laughlin wants something to show DNR has 10K in the fund.

Hulsey explains that if this is approved, then they will apply for the money.

Stoebig asks if don’t get grant then what? Hulsey says they will build what we can with parks. They are trying to test the scum suckers and amount of money determines how big the scum suckers are.

Ripp asks who in parks will do this and they say Lakes Management and Solid Waste staff paid for by Solid Waste.

Passes 7 – 1 with O’Laughlin voting no.

EANR 5 – Elimination of the conservation fund
McDonell moves to leave $1M in the fund. Ripp seconds.

McDonell says personally prefers 2.5M but we have some carry over and its still reducing it to send the message about but also make a statement by not zeroing it out. If some rally good project comes up they will have the resources. Sends a message to bring it to the lowest level since he’s been on the county board and even in tough times shouldn’t be zeroed out. Thinks that is where the majority of the board is at and send the right message.

Stoebig says department request was $5M, County Executive responded for same reasons and she did $2.5 and he thinks that he doesn’t like leaving it at $1M even with carry over, wants another number. He’s like to leave $2M.

McDonell explains this is what will happen on the board floor and to do anything else is just wasting everyone’s time because it will likely end up at $1M.

Ripp says that this is symbolism and wasting time if we go too long, we won’t spend over $7.4M.

deFelice opposes it, thinks should eliminate $2.5M and talk about cutting the $6.4M as well.[Hmmm . . . it that what its like to be more liberal than Tammy Baldwin?

Hesselbein asks about referendum, when was it? 1999.

Hulsey reminds them of the chart handed out and the thing cut the most over time is what was approved by 76% of the voters. Sometimes have to spend less.

deFelice agrees except when voters approved we were not facing great recession.

Hulsay says we’ll never know if that is what they meant.

It passes 7 – 1 with deFelice voting no.

EANR 6 Eliminate the Lakes and Water(shed?) Legacy Fund
McDonell moved to leave $500,000 in the fund. Hesselbein seconds.

McDonell says its the same argument, different fund. There would have been $3.8M left.

Passes 7 -1 with more liberal than BaldwingdeFelice voting no.

EANR 7 Mondy for Babcock locks paid for with DNR grant
McDonell moves approval, Stoebig seconds.

No discussion. Passes 8 – 0.

EANR 12- Adds language to the resolution on the Lake Study
McDonell moves approval, Hesselbein seconds.

No discussion. Passes 8 – 0.

P&F 22??? – “Increase TNC reve”??
McDonell hands out an amenedment that savs $7200 by recognizing some grant money and applying those funds to existing staff on a project. Hands it out, not copies for the public. DeSmidt seconds.

No discussion. Passes 8 – 0.

HHN 2 (Technical Amendment for the 1% COLA calculations) & 3(Social Worker position reclass)
McDonell moves approval, DeSmidt seconds.

No discussion. Passes 8 – 0.

HHN 4 Hope Haven AODA funds
Stoebig moves approval, DeSmidt seconds.

No discussion. Passes 8 – 0.

HHN 5 – Stoughton JFF Offices
Hesslebein moves approval, deFelice seconds.

They note this has no impact on the budget. Passes 8 – 0.

HHN 6 – Moves $21K from meals to case management for seniors
Stoebig makes the motion, but no one seconds to it fails.

HHN 7 Restoring the Americorp Coordinator Position
No one makes a motion, so it is not considered/fails.

HHN 11 – FSAT funding
They move that to the end until they figure out how they can pay for it.

P&F 23 – Increase in MA Case Management Revenue
McDonell explains this saves 21,000 that staff found recently.

Wells says that Casey Behrend in Youth Restitutions can for same amount of money can increase number of children he serves, so can draw down MA and displace GPR funding.

DDeSmidt seconds.

deFelice points out mistake in the amendment its a decrease not increase.

Stoebig says that to get MA you need a local match, how reduce local match?

Wells says that for the existing funding will be able to serve more clients and can claim more MA revenue. Behrend ok with it. There is actually money here.

McDonell says it sort of rewards them for finding money.

Passes 8 – 0

PWT (Public Works and Transportation) 1 – Bus Stop at Airport
McDonell moves approval, Hesselbein seconds.

DeSmidt says good idea.

O’Lauglin agrees and adds that airport revenue pays for it.

Passes 8 – 0

PPJ (Public Protection and Judiciary) 2 – Recognizing revenue from retiring court commissioner
deFelice moves approval, McDonell seconds.

No discussion. Passes 8 – 0.

PPJ 3 (Weekend youth report center) & 4 (AIM project)
McDonell moves, Stoebig seconds.

They note they appreciate PP&J for coming in revenue neutral and working hard.

Passes 8 – 0.

PPJ 5 – COMPASS Software for jail
MdDonell moves, DeSmidt seconds.

McDonell notes they really need this.

Passes 8 – 0.

PPJ 6 – Restore a court manager position and increase revenue from child support services.
MdDonell moves approval, deFelice seconds.

O’Laughlin asks if the revenue was collected last year. Staff say they get millions of dollars.

IDD is federal government funding for child support activities. This is child support for juvenile court cases.

O’Laughlin asks how much per year? Staff says its millions in federal revenue.

Passes 8 – 0.

PPJ 15 – JPASS software
McDonell says they should add it and then later look at if we should unfreeze it. He says that the report draws data from jail, CCAP (wourt records) and District Attorney system and gives the jail administrators a full understanding of status of everyone in jail and they can see why they are in there longer than should be. He calls it hotel management software that will give the sheriff a tool to move people around. He says it is a little expensive, but if you can move people between pods and it frees up beds its worth it. Wants to do an RFP and see how much it is, ok not to do it as well.

O’Laughlin asks if it is a capital project.

McDonell says it is software that lasts a long time, and they are not ditching any software programs.

deFelice says releasing some inmates and that is how we have savings.

(McDonell or deFelice says) we can get money from Department of Corrections inmates and get revenue if we have extra spaces, can make money since have to staff it at a certain level and if we don’t take those inmates we are wasting money, he says we want the hotel full – we still have to clean the rooms and keep the place staff– we still have to be really good at how we move people around. They note no one would need to manage the software.

DeSmidt seconds.

Passes 8 – 0.

PPJ amendment from McDonell – Emergency Planning Grant
MdDonell explains $36,000 in emergency planning grant money came in. Hesselbein seconds.

Hulsey asks if really free money.

They explain it just came in late.

Passes 8 – 0.

Settling Up
They ask where they are at this point, home much money do they have before they go over 7.9 levey?

Controller says $49,900 left at the moment.

They says there were decreases from thrive 15K, inmate phone 5k, 7200, MA and 36,800.

What do we do next?
Stoebig wants to do Rhythm and booms.

Some want to do FSAT.

Most want to dig for a few days.

Rhythm & Booms
McDonell says Falk said that they could use part of her alcohol initiative but put some money back in.

Hulsey said that Rhythm & Booms could pay us back first if they make money.

Wells says that county Execs offered $9K from alcohol inititive. Almost all human services cut 3% and hers was not, simple fairness. $3,000 is the 3% cut. $6,000 is from Carol Lobes community coalition, they are up and running and doing a good job, Deerfield got a grant and too much to manage and carol was willing to take it on, but need to cover some of her administrative costs. Between the two, 9K is being offered. County Exec would agree, but Rhythm & Booms is an important celebration of patriotic holiday. We are one of many partners and don’t want to be the only ones to zero it out, maintain at $9 or 5K.

Hulsy moves to cut it completely, deSmidt seconds.

deFelice says that $3K is a cut. $6K is gpr backed out. deFelice likes R&B and agrees should be partnership, but these are unusual times, maybe Rhythm & Booms should take a 3% cut. Doesn’t want to take away from alcohol treatment program.

Hesselbein was disturbed that this was there when people are taking pay cuts. Cant’s see spending the money Last year made 70K and they decide what charitable organization they give the money to. Charity money is great, but we don’t need to put money in if they are giving away money.

Stoebig says that instead of $5 armband for beer area for live stage, that could be increased to $7 or $10 and they have ways to make more revenue.

McDonell doesn’t disagree, but if we are going to zero out, then take the $3K and put $6K back in the alcohol initiative, that’s rude if they just take the momey. This is what she asked for, we should respect it. Don’t disagree with what people are saying. Rhythm & Booms doesn’t represent July 4 to him just like Christmas is not about presents.

Hulsey moves to cut 44% to 9K. McDonell seconds.

Or someone says that Rhythm & Booms should just pay us back first.

McDonell says that is friendly. He says sometimes they don’t make money.

O’Laughlin says that if they take a bath and they are giving us money then we have to pay them back if they have a loss. That’s not a good bet.

McDonell says it is slightly better than zero.

Ripp says should be zeroing it out. Doesn’t like the pay it back theory, if make $70K and can’t give charities and pay us back first, we are taking money from kids charities and that looks bad.

DeSmidt says they should give them $5,000 have no strings attached. Stoebig second.

4 – 4 fails. (I lost track who voted on which side but I think it was O’Laughlin, Ripp, deFelice and McDonell voting no.)

Someone makes a motion to give them $3K.

That motion fails 4 – 4 with I think deFelice, McDonell, deSmidt and Heseelbein voting yes.

Next they make a motion to give them $9K and they get paid pack, that fails 3 – 5 fails.

O’l moves to delete entirely and that finally passes 5 – 3 (Voting no is McDonell, Hulsey and Stoebig.)

Cutting Falk’s Alcohol Initiative
McDonell moves $3K cut, Ripp second. deFelice says this 3% cut thing is a flat tax in reverse. One number they use over and over and and they do not realize the ramifications and this is a large number for the program. This is an initiative that is doing a lot of good. Hope they will vote against it.

Passes 7 – 1. deFelice only one to vote no.

Where are we now?
Controller finds a mistake and says they now have $105,950.

P&F 19 – Indigent Burial
McDonell saya should do indigent burial, there are people who die, like on the capital square and no one to bury them and the money is gone that used to do this, would like to bury them. $19K,

Stoebig asks how much they have spend in the last few years? They don’t know.

Stoebig says that years ago in Kenosha county he has a picture of his brother digging a grave for indigent, he was a highway worker.

Wells says we do not use highway workers. They buy burial plots, sometimes donated. $1500 per person.

McDonell says that more people living in cars, more people in trouble, so at $1500 per person you’ve quickly gone through the money.

DeSmidt second.

deFelice asks what happens if we don’t.

Foster explains when interim assistance went away they were no longer mandated to do this. Don’t know what happens.

Passes 8 – 0.

P&F 18 Homeless AODA services
McDonell says it is $10,000. Someone seconded it.

No discussion. Passes 8 – 0.

defelice – fully funding, 21,800, minus 3% 21146 deflice, stoebig, 7 – 1 deSmidt
adjust for $2,000 in other motion

P&F 16 (Tellurian Detox) & 17 (Commonwealth Development)
Moved by McDonell and DeSmidt.

Request to separate.

P&F 16 – Tellurian Detox
Moved and seconded by McDonell and DeSmidt.

Ripp says that they are trying to get back to 7.9 and he has problem, he wants to reduce the 7.9.

McDonell says that this is all he has. He notes that on Monday they might have more savings to go to the general fund or for levy reduction. There are no more adds from his point of view. There might be $1.8M that goes into fund.

Ripp says that 7.9 is bad news for his constituents.

deFelice asks if this restores the 3% cut?

Foster says they have a substantial loss $150,000 this year. Still going to be $30,000, deficit now. This is on top of the 3% cut.

Stoebig says that Tellurian collects MA when they can.

Foster says that still had a hole of $150,000.

deFelice asks if there are really 5 holes> Fost says this is the only one.

Passes 7 – 1. Ripp votes no.

P&F 17 Commonwealth Job Training Program
deFelice says this is a great program for at-risk youth and jobs. He says it is a front end and back end thing.

Stoebig says several good agencies out there doing the same services with a little different tact. We’ve heard for 2 years and even in response to your questions, their follow up only goes 6 months. He’d like to know 5 years follow up.

Hulsey says great value to the program, Southwest program targets those kids and gets them into jobs.

Stoebig asks Tariq Pasha from Commonwealth Development about the Garver Feedmill and desire to raise $1.6M, how do they draw fire walls between program he runs and the other activities.

Pasha says it is a diverse set of activities, he runs the youth programs, there are housing and small business and public market and Garver feedmill arts incubator. Doesn’t know what goes on in the other areas. Or how the funsriasing goes. He runs the youth programs and fundraise for them.

Hendrick says that the organization is large and sophisticated accounting by full time person. The housing development, which is a complete project, is separately accounted. 2 business incubators also run by them. He says that Commonwealth has come in the past and always get s a no. This is the expansion requested last year and year before so west side can benefit like east side.

Stoebig sasy that when had funding, county exec made it clear it was one time funding. Grant funding ended and came forward with more requests, no dout is what they do is successful, and supported the amendment in the last budget.

Vote is 6 – 1 with Stoebig no, O’Laughlin out of the room.

P&F 6 – Genesis Corporation
Stoebig wants to change they need to pay by to July 31. They just change that administratively as no on objects.

Monday night will go over P&F 30(?), P&F 5, more info on P&F 8, more info on P&F 10. They said they meet at 6:00 Monday – but the agenda said 5:30.


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