Who will be primarily working on which issues . . .
April 26, 2012
TO: Dane County Board of Supervisors
FROM: Supervisor Scott McDonell, Chair
Dane County Board of SupervisorsSUBJECT: Standing and Continuing Committee Appointments for the 2012-2014 Term
I am today making the standing and continuing committee appointments as shown on the attached list. As in previous years, some committees generated much greater interest than others, making appointments difficult.
The first person listed is designated to call the first committee meeting. Committees will elect a chair from among their members at the first meeting (it has been our practice that all members be present to elect a chair). Committees should determine which night and at what time they will regularly meet, based on the preferences of the members.
As you know, this is our first year of including youth members on all the standing committees, except the Executive Committee. After you convene your first meeting, please choose one member of your committee to be a mentor for your new youth member and inform the board office of the choice. I know you will all make every effort to help our youth members feel comfortable at committee meetings and included in committee deliberations.
Thank you for your input into the appointment process, and good luck as you address the important county issues facing your committee. Please let me know if you have any questions or other suggestions.
*Downing, Pan, Chenoweth, Ferrell, HamptonHEALTH AND HUMAN NEEDS
*Levin, Clausius, Wegleitner, Hotchkiss, Sargent, Zweifel, SalovPERSONNEL AND FINANCE
*Hesselbein, Erickson, McDonell, Corrigan, deFelice, Solberg, O’LoughlinPUBLIC PROTECTION AND JUDICIARY
*Rusk, McCarville, Kiefer, Dye, Wiganowsky, Bayrd, Schlicht, StubbsPUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION
*Veldran, Pertl, Schmidt, Ripp, RichmondZONING AND LAND REGULATION
*Miles, Matano, Krause, Bollig, HendrickEXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
*Hendrick, McDonell (Finance), Ripp (PWT), Sargent (HHN), Matano (ZLR), Chenoweth (EANR), Bayrd (PP&J)Continuing County Board Committees
Land Conservation Committee:
*Downing, Krause, Zweifel
(plus a citizen member to be designated by the Farm Service Agency county chair)UW Extension Committee:
*Veldran, Dye, Hotchkiss, Hampton, Corrigan, Stubbs, SolbergCity County Liaison Committee:
* Sargent, Rusk, McDonell* designated to call the first committee meeting. Committee officers will be elected at the first meeting when all members are present.