Ah, more internal issues, here’s who got appointed to what, and who got slighted or rewarded. Might not be so obvious to non-insiders, but who gets to be county board chair means who gets to make appointments to committees and there is usually a correlation between who you supported and if you get the committees you want. I always look to see who got appointed to the Solid Waste Committee for the city when the Mayor makes the appointments . . . in the case of the county board, public works is probably their equivalent.
April 21, 2014
TO: Dane County Board of Supervisors
FROM: Supervisor Sharon Corrigan, Chair Dane County Board of Supervisors
SUBJECT: Standing and Continuing Committee Appointments for the 2014-16 TermI am today making the standing and continuing committee appointments as shown on the attached list. As in previous years, some committees generated much greater interest than others making appointments difficult. I am pleased to report that 91% of those who indicated a committee preference received their first or second choice.
The first person listed is designated to call the first committee meeting. Committees will elect a chair from among their members at the first meeting (it has been our practice that all members be present to elect a chair). Committees should determine which night and at what time they will regularly meet, based on the preferences of the members.
Thank you for your input into the appointment process, and good luck as you address the important county issues facing your committee. Please let me know if you have any questions or other suggestions.
Downing, Chenoweth, Kiefer, Richmond, WuestHEALTH AND HUMAN NEEDS
Levin, Clausius, Dye, Ferrell, Veldran, Wegleitner, ZweifelPERSONNEL AND FINANCE
O’Loughlin, Erickson, Gillis, Hendrick, Pertl, Solberg, StubbsPUBLIC PROTECTION AND JUDICIARY
Rusk, Bayrd, Krause, McCarville, Pan, Schauer, WillettPUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION
Schmidt, deFelice, Nelson, Ripp, RittZONING AND LAND REGULATION
Miles, Bollig, Kolar, Matano, SalovEXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Corrigan, Bayrd, Chenoweth, Dye, Kolar, Ripp, StubbsContinuing County Board Committees
Land Conservation Committee:
Downing, Richmond, Ripp, Stubbs, Zweifel
(plus a citizen member to be designated by the Farm Service Agency county chair)UW Extension Committee:
Stubbs, Dye, Nelson, Ripp, VeldranCity County Liaison Committee:
Matano, Kolar, NelsonThe person listed first is designated to call the first committee meeting. Committee officers will be elected at the first meeting when all members are present.
Now on to the internal struggle of ho gets to be chair of each of these committees . . . in the case of the county board, those positions actually have power and mean something.