County Board, District 1, Candidate Forum

From last night. Sponsored by Capital Neighborhoods Inc.

I have some thoughts on this, but not much time . . . the two oddest moments are at 9:12 ish on a question about vision for downtown and 24:48 – 25:11 where candidates were asked about diversity. My most disappointing moment was the discussion about crime and poverty. Poverty doesn’t cause crime, elected officials who pass the laws decide what crime is. (i.e. sleeping outside, etc)

Mary Kolar seems to be the Hillary Clinton, Rob Dz Franklin is the Bernie Sanders and Adam Brabender is the Jill Stein. Or maybe Rob and Adam are flipped around, not sure. One thing is clear, there are clear differences! They might all be “liberal” or “progressive”, but some more than others.

In the interest of full disclosure, I am on the steering, elections (co-chair) and policy (co-chair) committee of Progressive Dane and we have endorsed both Rob and Adam. I am also working a bit on Rob’s campaign, when I can fit it in. However, as always, these thoughts on this blog are mine and mine alone!



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