27 people here – 10 absences. Just imagine if people ran for office and actually showed up.
Heidi Wegleitner gave the inspirational about her grandfather who was an elected official, a man of God who put his faith to practice. He was committed to civil rights and uplifting people out of poverty and supporting causes around the world and even the tiny house village in her neighborhood. Family was important to him, he had 8 children, 24 grandchildren and she was the oldest and she thinks she was his favorite, but he made everyone felt that way. He loved adventure and loved life. She hopes to live up to his ideals.
The boy scounts led them in the pledge of allegiance.
Resolution in memory of Paul Kasuda
Presentations of certificates to people who have worked for the county for 25 years.
Department: Public Safety Communications – Stephen Johnson
Department: Public Works, Highway & Transportation – Jerry Mandli
Department: Sheriff Office – (Security Services) – Lori Prieur
Department: Human Services – Anthony Sis and Mary Wilk
– Mt Horeb is having a Scandehoovian event
– There are 6 or 7 supervisors who have birthdays in February
This took the first 35 minutes.
Consent Agenda
They approved the bills, minutes
F1 & F2 are approved – Kolar speaks of the opioid crisis, especially for veterans who have been in pain. She says they will be joining muncipalities across the nation. Tim Keifer asks if outside council has been chosen and what the fees will be? Marcia MacKenzie, Corporation County says no. Keifer asks they have a firm in mind, MacKenzie says yes there is one that many are working with and they are charging 25% with 10% going to a firm that also represents the county’s association. Keifer asks if they will talks to several people.
Gorman & Company chosen as developer for Messners
2 Gorman lobbyists are here in support.
Ed Kuharski speaks in opposition. He says we can’t know enough to make a proper decision and that has to deal with the closed door process – he says we should know more than the name of the 6 other applicants. He says the state might do it this way, but the city doesn’t, like they do for Judge Doyle Square. Democracy isn’t working well at the state level, he doesn’t want to see that kind of degradation. He is told the county board sets that policy and he’d like to see that changed, before this is approved so we can allow participation of the public and experts, including the supervisor and alder in the district. It is his neighborhood and he doesn’t feel that their opinion was considered well enough.
I registered in opposition.
Jenni Dye makes a motion to re-refer to Personnel and Finance, Wegleitner seconds. She says that there was some new pieces of information that has arisen and there is a substitute at their desk.
The rest of the agenda
Was done in 3 minutes . . .
35 minutes of pomp and circumstance, rubbers stamp and refer.