County Board Recap

Live blogged – not much editing.

FYI – there is a slide show with old pictures of past county board supervisors playing on the new audio visual equipment. Before the meeting starts, chair Scott McDonell says the game is to find Supervisor Ripp in most of the photos.

A. ROLL CALL Notified Absent:
Absent: Pan, deFelice, Hampton

1. Prayer/Inspirational Message – Supervisor Miles (Supervisor O’Loughlin next)
Patrick Miles talks about what inspired him in his public service. It’s not the big things that make the headlines, but the little things that might seem small but cumulatively make a different. He says much of what we do was done by our predecessors and the things citizens do. He talks about the Harvest Moon Festival at Lake Farm Park last weekend. He talks about the event, how the event has grown. He talks about people who care about the parks, the citizens and the staff. He says this is the type of things that inspire his work and keep that in mind as they work on the budget.

2. Pledge of Allegiance – Supervisor Miles
They did.

McDonell says that to christen the new room, he thought they should reflect on that. He says the first two years are the memories that stick with him the most and Jonathan Becker was chair at the point. He says that he thought the county board chairs that were still with them should come up and read the resolutions.

1. Res. 108, 2012-2013 – Memorial to Susan Herbst
Former chair Rob Matthews reads the resolution. He thanks them for being invited to reconnect with his former colleagues and says he sat in the chair for many years, but the faces have changed. He said he got elected 34 years ago. He says he visited the room prior to his election in 1974 and they were in transition to a smaller board. He says people smoked in the room at that time, they had their feet up on the desks and he was pleased that they passed rules to ban smoking in the room, it was symbolic of the changes to come. He says he hopes they have fun on teh board. There is life after county government, you move on. In your post county government days, he avoided all committee assignments and after he was county board chair for 3 terms, he was worried about a write in vote – now his paranoia is that he will get elected to the board. He says he is honored to read the resolution for Sue Herbst. She was a wonderful person and a wise supervisor. He reads the resolution. Hendrick moves, Matano seconds. They vote in favor, they stand for a moment of silence. Scott shows him how to use the new sounds system.

John Hendrick says a few comments about working with Sue Hebst on campaigns in the 1970s, she was a great lady and one of the women who got into public service in the 1960s and 70s and she would be proud of the diversity of the county board today.

Matthews introduces J. Michael Blaska.

2. Res. 128, 2012-2013 – Honoring Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District Commissioner Ed Schten on His Retirement
Former chair J. Michael Blaska takes the chair.

O’Loughlin calls for a point of order. He says since you’re going to be exercising that chair for part of the meeting, he was wondering if he brought along the Robert’s Rules of Order Book.

Blaska says that is not a point of order, and he will talk about it later. He reads the resolution.

Moved by Hendrick, seconded by Chenowith.

Caryl Terrell says a few words, says she worked with Schten for 20 years. At every meeting he has a joke to lighten the mood. He brags about all the accomplishments and good work they have done. He supported staff, attended national meetings to makes sure they were on the cutting edge. He can’t be here tonight. He is embarrassed and proud, Hendrick will present the resolution next week.

Motion passes.

Blaska thanks McDonell for inviting him here tongiht, thank you for suspending the rules to allow us to chair portions of the meeting. Congratulations on the upgrades to the chambers. He thinks it is important to have meetings in a setting that commands respect. He says it is nice to see pictures of old members and to see some still here. Says his wife was downtown and they went out to eat last night, and he is gone a lot. His wife asked if he would be home tonight and he said no, he had to chair the county board meeting. She asked why, would they all be at the Obama rally. He says being board chair was a full time job, they had a rule that they stopped after the metings for a refreshment and there were a lot of meetings and he liked to play sheepshead and he was gone a lot and his wife was getting frustrated and she said that she wanted him home by midnight. She woke up at 1:30 in the morning and he had a car phone and she called it and couldn’t find him, called the cell phone and couldn’t find him and called Jingles and couldn’t find me. You know where I was, I was in bed with her, she just woke up mad and started dialing. He says he served on board from 86 – 2004, he was proud of the time he spent on the board. There were lots of controversies and building projects, he lists a whole bunch of things (including getting rid of general assistance!) says that there were many good members. He served with Matthews and under Dick Wagner and Jonathan Becker and worked closely with Scott McDonell. It was because of all of them he became a student of Robert’s Rules of Order, and he credits them because he needed to do that to get the edge. BAck then they were politically divided, many spirited debates and long nights but he has respect for them, they differed and fought but respects them all and considers them his friends. If he learned any lessons it was to treat people with respect. He is the chair? for the Wisconsin Counties Association and if they ever need him to make any presentations they would like to. He thanks them for allowing him to chair on more meeting of the County Board. He introduces Jonathan Becker.

3. Res. 130, 2012-2013 – Welcoming Gildardo Tuberquia of Apartadó Colombia and Congratulating the Colombia Support Network
Former chair Jonathan Becker reads the resolution. Hendrick moves approval, Wiganowski seconds. Hendrick says that a different representative of Colombia who was unable to get a visa, so a different person is filling in. The event is Saturday at 7:00 at the Great Hall in the union and hte rest of the events are on the website for the Columbia Support Network.

Becker thanks them to be able to be there. He doesn’t know if he is more surprised by the number of people he knows, or doesn’t know. Scott asked them to reflect and share memories. He says they had a lot of debates and were criticized and when he reflects on that he says it is just because they were passionate, why else would you be in office. He says that Wiganowski is out of order, on general principle. He says they debated land use and others. He remembers two land use issues, one was about some endangered turtles and he was the only one who cared about the turtles. The other was about a race track that he called it the middle of nowhere, but they booed me, but it was friendly because I was on their side. He says they worked on a a lot of issues, like recycling. When I first saw the new changes, I thought it wasn’t spectacularly new, but it is improved, just like much of what they do, incrementally. Incrementally what they do is important. They should not be as acrimonious as we were, but you should be as passionate. He introduces Dick Wagner.

4. Power 2 Give Presentation – Pam Andros – Dane County Interim Cultural Affairs Director
Former chair Dick Wagner thanks them for inviting him. She invites Pam Andros up to give a presentation.

Andros is the Interim Director of Dane County Cultural Affairs, prior to that she was a senior planner for the county. She says this is a new program that is just getting started. She has a powerpoint presentation. There are some user technical difficulties. They have materials at their desks. The 2013 calendar is ready and they are having a reception. She shows the economic report for the role arts play in the economy. Power to Give is an on-line market place like Kickstarter. Kickstarter is to look for investments in businesses. Power to give is for arts and culture projects in Dane County – they link passion and creativity. Why is it different? It is quick and easy. She has used the site herself. Its easy for people with projects and others. You can browse through the site, you can donate to more than one project at a time, it makes suggestions etc . . . sorry, I took a quick break. Site looks cool, go check it out. She says the project is new, they are giving advice on how to use the site. They got feedback from users. The users have fun coming up with products for the users. She shows them the site.

No questions.

Wagner says this is kind of like Hogwarts where the photos are speaking to you. Talks about the old county board office. He says that he didn’t learn the lesson Matthews gave about life after county board, but he found committees good to do. Blaska was fun to fight with, a worthy opponents, not sure he voted for all the projects that he cited. He is glad they don’t have to stay til 5 am fighting over issues. He says they were a small environmental caucus at that time. Johnathan took the lead on recycling. He says he was a historian by training and he wants to talk about how you get here. The first board only had 3 people, because in Wisconsin you had two types of government competing. South brought the strong county and from the east was the town tradition. He says there were 39 counties. The first board passed a small jail, built a court house in 1850 and did some other things I missed. Then the town chairs tradition came and they had 6 commissioners. In 1862 it was 40 with the town chairs and Madison wards being represented. Later other cities were added. 1886 was second court house which is now the parking ramp. That was getting crowed in 1930s the WPA was providing “early stimulous” and they were going to build an annex to the courthouse. In July they decided to have a joint meeting and then Frank Lloyd right presented his vision, including a train depot we are still trying to get. In November of 1938 the county board had to decide which vision to follow, 82 supervisors, in the old courthouse they had school house chairs with writing arms. Some were opposed to the mayor’s vision of the joint building, and one person invited Frank Lloyd Wright to speak and he wasn’t on the agenda. They voted down the building by one vote, the rural block won. They then realized that the rural people had more as many votes as the urban areas but they represented many fewer people. They later reversed themselves. Missed a little. He mentioned the vote becuase in 1962 there was a court case where they voted one person, one vote, and applied nationally. In 1960 census has 530K residents and others only had 237 residents and it wasn’t fair. Waukesah has 87,400 and others had 19K people. Dane County had 90 members by now and it was the worst, one supervisor has 191 residents and a Madison ward had 13K. He did other research and he looked at other history and at one point they went form 90 to 47 supervisors. He says that even tho your vote might not seem significant, you have a lot of impact in people’s lives. Local government is the bedrock of democracy. You have a good job, I’m sure you can fulfill it.

McDonell thanks the chairs for participating in the meeting. There is a cake for after the meeting and then they will go to Francesca’s and McDonell will buy them a drink , but not the rest of the board.

5. Announcements
Nick Zwiefel talks about the Wine and Beer tasting for the Colonial Club in Sun Prairie, he helped brew the ale.

Jenny Dye gives and update on the coordinated campaigh, they have 25% participation and are half way to the goal, will bring treats to the next meeting for those who pledge. Clausius got the pie!

Al Matano talks about Chili cookoff for Alliance for Animals this weekend. Chili from local restaurants, silent auction etc. Thanks Scott for having the chairs there, says he is an old-timer now and followed Becker in his seat on the board.

Sheila Stubbs is introducing a resolution to establish accounts to have the Fresh Market Study, says they got a HUD grant and it will be used in the Southdale area.

Matt Veldran talks about the changes to the room and thanks people involved. Talks about the history of arguments over the room.

Chuck Erickson announces the LGBT Business group is having a career fair at the Sheritan on Saturday. There are also presentations at the fair. Dane County and the Sheriff’s Department will be participating.

This part of the meeting took an hour and ten minutes.

1. Claims Recommended for Approval

Matano/Schlicht – no discussion, passes voice vote.

2. Claims Recommended for Denial
Matano/Miles – no discussion, passes on voice vote.

D. APPROVAL OF PROCEEDINGS – September 6, 12, 13, 19 & 20, 2012
Hendrick/Matano – no discussion, passes on voice vote.

1. Res. 117, 12-13 – County Executive Appointments (Adopt)

2. Res. 119, 12-13 – Awarding A Collective Bargaining Agreement to the Dane County Deputy Sheriff’s Association (Adopt)

Both pass voice vote.

1. Res. 98, 12-13 – Award of Contract for Roof Replacement – Robertson Road (Adopt Sub. 1)

No discussion -passes on voice vote.

2. Res. 100, 12-13 – Award of Contract for Repave Lot – Robertson Road (Adopt Sub. 1)
No discussion -passes on voice vote.

3. Res. 102, 12-13 – Award of Contract for 9 Springs E-Way Bridges (Adopt Sub. 1)
No discussion -passes on voice vote.

4. Res. 112, 12-13 – Award of Contract for Air Handling Units Replacement (Adopt Sub. 1)

5. *Res. 129, 12-13—Awarding a 2014 Collective Bargaining Agreement to the Dane County
Attorneys Association ( )
*Contingent on Committee Action October 4, 2012.
McDonell says that this passed Personnel and Finance earlier

Bollig Explains that this was necessary because they didn’t have a contract unlike the others, and it also extends it for one year.

McDonell says there is a memo about budget amendments.

Veldran asks if they voted on 112.

McDonell says they missed it. No discussion -passes on voice vote.

McDonell says that Karen will be out off and on and Lisa will be there, but work with comptrollers office on the amendments and the work will be confidential.

N. ADJOURNMENT – Until Thursday, October 18, 2012, 7:00pm, Room 201, City-County Building, or Call of the Chair

This part of the meeting took 8 minutes. They take a group picture.


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