County Board Week Ahead

No shortage of meetings here either. 25 meetings plus maybe more on Friday, I couldn’t get to the second page, kept getting a error. And yes, I’ll start doing these weekly again too.

Sep 13 9:00 AM Youth Commission 111 King St. #23
– 2012 Youth Assessment—preliminary issues

Sep 13 12:00 PM W-2 Community Steering Committee 1203 N. Sherman, Job Center Annex
– Children’s Services Network – Answers to questions on child care from last
meeting – Barb Berlin, Tony Sis
– Answers to other W-2 Related questions from last meeting

Sep 13 12:15 PM South Central Library System Board 4610 S. Biltmore Ln.
– No agenda

Sep 13 5:30 PM Lakes & Watershed Commission Rm. 351 CCB
– Executive Committee Meeting
– Assign slow-no-wake resolution to a subcommittee
– Assign CARPC resolution on stormwater to a subcommittee

Sep 13 5:30 PM Implementation Team on Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System Rm. 354 CCB
– Policy paper (Priority Recommendations) discussion
– Key Stakeholders/Engagement

Sep 13 6:00 PM County Board Rm. 201 CCB
– Public hearing on Department Budget Requests

Sep 13 6:00 PM
Lakes & Watershed Commission Rm. 351 CCB
– Budget Committee
– Review status of and distribution of 2011 Commission budget recommendations

Sep 13 6:30 PM Alliant Energy Center Commission Admin Conf Rm AEC
– Executive Director’s Comments and Updates (Budget, Capital Improvements, Past Events, Future Events)

Sep 13 6:30 PM Lakes & Watershed Commission Rm. 351 CCB
– Lake Levels/In-Lake/Invasive Species Subcommittee
– Review latest draft of Dane County lake level management guidance document
– Discuss public review of lake level management

Sep 14 12:30 PM CDBG Commission Rm. 354 CCB
– Revolving Loan Subcommittee
– Review Sun Prairie Professional Building, LLC Loan Fund Application for $200,000
– Review request from PLH and Associates, LLC for new loan terms
– Staff update: Maunesha River Dairy, CRLF Audit, Cambridge Stoneware, Imagination Trends, loan balance, etc…

Sep 14 7:30 PM Zoning & Land Regulation Rm. 351 CCB
– You’ll have to check the projects to see if anything is of interest.
– Approving an agreement for Community Development Block Grant Loan for Maunesha River Dairy.
– Update / discussion of amending Chapter 82 of the Dane County Code of Ordinances, Incorporating the Town of Cottage Grove Comprehensive Plan into the Dane County Comprehensive Plan.

Sep 15 9:00 AM Land Information Office Committee Rm. 321 CCB
– LIO Committee composition following Act 314 (LIO Committee)
– ESRI Community Maps Program
– LIO Project Ideas

Sep 15 12:30 PM Regional Transit Authority 5387 Mary Lake Road Town of Westport
Discussion/Action on
– Draft RTA Bylaws and Operating Rules
– Committee Scope Revision
– Ethics and Conflict of Interest Rules
– Public Hearing/Public Comment Rules

Sep 15 1:00 PM Public Safety Communications Center Board Rm. 321 CCB
– Update on policy and procedure 2.3.3 Services Document Agreement
– Policy and procedure 1.0231 (formerly known as 2.3.3 addendum C), discussion and possible action.
– Radio narrow-banding project (FKA DaneCOM), discussion and possible action.

Sep 15 4:00 PM Airport Commission Robert B. Skuldt Conf. Rm. Airport
– Art Subcommittee
– Report on the Waisman Exhibition
– Tiny Show Update
– Discussion of Possible Future Exhibits (Atmospheric Sciences Exhibition, Peter Fauerbach, Pro Arte Quartet, Arline Fisch; Creatures from the Deep)

Sep 15 4:00 PM Tree Board Rm. C LFA
– Updates and reports on Dane County Gyspy Moths, Dane County Metropolitan Tree Canopy Analysis, EAB Publication Education Sessions, Dane County Tree Board Web Page and Partnering in Public Education with Dane County Chapter of the Wisconsin Landscapers Association
– Dane County EAB Planning Phase II

Sep 15 5:15 PM Lakes & Watershed Commission Rm. 357 CCB
– Joint Lakes and Watershed / Zoning and Land Regulation Shoreland/NR 115/NR 151 Subcommittee
– Updates on NR 151 and NR 217, research into any conflicts between vegetative buffer zone standards and typical subdivision covenants, Technical Advisory Group
– Further discussion of policy questions identified at the 6/21/10 meeting

Sep 15 5:30 PM Airport Commission Robert B. Skuldt Conf. Rm. Airport
– Amending Chapters 2 and 78 of the Code of Ordinances Regarding Height Restrictions in Vicinity of the Airport

Sep 16 8:00 AM Board of Adjustment convene at AEC
– Nothing of interest

Sep 16 4:30 PM Monona Terrace Convention & Community Center Board Monona Terrace, Hall of Fame Room
– Updates and presentation on Union South project

Sep 16 4:30 PM Youth Commission Rm. 421 CCB
– Presentation by Meghan Benson and Jonny Hunter on youth risk behaviors and responses related to sexual activity.
– Planning for 2012 Youth Assessment—preliminary planning/Steering committee members
– 2011 Budget update

Sep 16 5:15 PM Lakes & Watershed Commission Rm. 357 CCB
– 2011 budget update
– Take a Stake in the Lakes Days, staff reports on 2010 events and staff recommendations for 2011
– Commission workplan priority-setting process
– Resolution: Clarification of Federal Jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act

Sep 16 5:30 PM Board of Health for Madison and Dane County 119 E. Olin Ave.
– Meeting cancelled

Sep 16 6:00 PM Executive Committee Rm. 351 CCB
– Alternative Emergency Radio Plan
– Encouraging Comprehensive School Finance Reform in Wisconsin for the Benefit of Dane County’s Communities and Students

Sep 16 7:00 PM County Board Rm. 201 CCB
– Motion to Withdraw from Committee, Resolution 35, 10-11 – Establishing an Advisory Panel to Study the Treatment of Monkeys Used in Experiments in Dane County and the Ethics of Experimenting on Monkeys
– Endorsing an Alternative Emergency Radio System Proposal
– Encouraging Comprehensive School Funding Reform in Wisconsin for theBenefit of Dane County’s Communities and Students


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