County Comp Plan Meeting Cancelled tonight

Heidi Wegleitner says . . .

Guess what happens when people are more likely to get information regarding county meetings from your blog than the county website? Government asks you to post the *notice of cancellation* of the Comp Plan Steering Committee meeting (on housing) which was scheduled for tonight. Please and thank you. And, I understand if you can’t get to it. It is not your job. (But Todd V. is nice and he asked nicely, fwiw. 🙂

The materials, including recommendations from various sources, are attached, but please take note that the meeting that was scheduled for tonight has been canceled. Stay tuned for a rescheduled date and time.



P.S. Brenda – Todd was hoping you could put the notice of cancellation on your blog. Thank you!


Here is the agenda for next week.

Additionally, attached is the Housing Chapter, with edits, so you will have ample time to review before next week’s meeting.

I have also attached the list of recommendations from the various groups so you can see those separately.

The process is you will review each policy and set aside the ones that folks have a question on or discuss.


CP2014 Agenda 1272014

Chapter 2 Housing update 1 21 2014 edits

Comp Plan Steering Committee Priorities Dec 21 2013 COMBINE


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