County Week Ahead

Budget season . . .

Oct 11 12:00 PM Emergency Medical Services Commission 999 S. Park St.
– Medical Advisory Sub-committee

Oct 11 1:00 PM Local Emergency Planning Committee 119 E. Olin Ave.
– Such exciting things as EPCRA Report & LEPC Membership Reports, you know what that is, right?

Oct 11 1:00 PM Veterans Service Commission Public Works Conference Rd. AEC
– Here’s this agenda mystery – what do you think this is? Can you tell from the description? – Executive Session according to Section 19.85 (1)(f) Wisconsin State Statutes

Oct 11 5:30 PM Personnel & Finance Committee CCB Room 357
– Not much on the agenda.

Oct 11 5:30 PM Personnel & Finance Committee Room 260 Madison Municipal Building
– Joint meeting with Board of Estimates on Board of Health

Oct 11 5:30 PM Implementation Team on Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System Rm. 354 CCB
– Boring looking agenda . . . important topic. Budget updates, stakeholder involvement and grants.

Oct 12 4:30 PM Dane County 175th Anniversary Planning Committee 122 W. Washington Ave.
– Affirm scope & scale of year-long plan (reality check based upon capacity and resources), Report on progress w/ initiatives identified on plan/time, Agree upon action plan/next steps/time and responsibilities and Discuss budget & fund raising

Oct 12 5:15 PM Public Works & Transportation Committee 702 S. Randall, Vilas Zoo
– Change orders, leases and other approvals
– Tour of Zoo
– Budget Presentations – Alliant Energy Center, Facilities Management & Zoo
– Budget Amendments

Oct 12 5:45 PM Health & Human Needs Committee Rm. 354 CCB
Housing First Presentation
Budget Amendment discussion and action

Oct 12 5:45 PM Public Protection & Judiciary Committee Rm. 357 CCB
– Public hearing on budget
– Budget Presentation: Family Court Counseling. (Ryan)
– Ord. Amend. 20, 2010-2011, Ch. 62, Adjusting Fees Charged By Family Court Counseling Service. (SPONSOR: Rusk; DEPT.: Ryan)
– Budget Presentation: Public Safety Communications. (Dejung)
– Budget Presentation: District Attorney. (Ozanne)
– Budget Presentation: Corporation Counsel. (MacKenzie)
– Budget Presentation: Sheriff. (Mahoney)

Oct 12 7:30 PM Zoning & Land Regulation RM. 351 CCB
– Check the agenda for development projects that might impact you!
– ORD. AMEND. NO. 10, 2010-2011: Amending Chapter 10, Regarding Changes to the Limited Commercial (LC-1) Zoning District and Establishing Conditional Use Permit Applications Procedures.
– ORD. AMEND. NO. _____, 2010-2011: Amending Chapters 12 and 14 of the Dane County Code of Ordinances regarding changes to Zoning fees as they relate to the proposed 2011 budget.
– Review and possible action of the 2011 Register of Deeds Department Budget
– Review and possible action of the 2011 Planning and Development Department Budget
– Scheduling of a special meeting for continued consideration of the 2011 budgets and possible amendments

Oct 13 7:45 AM Cultural Affairs Commission 2623 Monroe St.
– Exec Committee discuss budget/financial position/changing landscape

Oct 13 12:30 PM Area Agency on Aging Board 1625 Northport Dr., Warner Pk Community Center
– Nuitrition and Wellness Committee
– A bunch of reports
– Nutrition Program Related 2011 Budget Update

Oct 13 5:15 PM Park Commission Rm. 121 LFA
– 2011 Budget

Oct 14 8:00 AM Board of Adjustment convene at AEC
– MG&E site tour to review assessment

Oct 14 5:15 PM Lakes & Watershed Commission Rm. 354 CCB
– Lake Levels and slow-no-wake update
– 2011 budget update

Oct 14 5:30 PM Executive Committee RM. 357 CCB
– Taxation, Revenue Projections, Spending and Borrowing in 2011 Budget
– Clerks Budget
– Dane County Executive Budget
– County Board Office Budget
– Capital Budget Resolution
– Declaring Dane County to be a County of Religious Tolerance

Oct 14 6:45 PM C.A.R.P.C. (Capital Area Regional Planning Commission)Rm. 351 CCB
– Executive Committee

Oct 14 7:00 PM C.A.R.P.C. (Capital Area Regional Planning Commission) Rm. 351 CCB
– Public Hearing: Consideration of Resolution CARPC No. 2010-14 adopting the CARPC 2011 Unified Planning Work Program and 2011-2016 Overall Program Design. Discussion may include revision of the proposed Work Program to reallocate staff resources.
– Consideration of Resolution Requesting Dane County Lakes and Watershed Commission to Consider Amending Chapter 14 of the Dane County Code of Ordinances to Align it with CARPC Stormwater Runoff Volume Control Standards
– Consideration of letter of support for the Livable Communities Act S. 1619 and H.R. 4690

Oct 15 8:45 AM University Extension Committee 2300 S. Park St.
– Discussion Regarding 2011 Budget
– New Department Head Introductions

Oct 15 9:00 AM Public Safety Communications Center Technical Committee Rm. 351 CCB
– Interoperable Voice Radio Communications System
– CAD Project

Oct 15 12:00 PM Criminal Justice Group Lower Level Jury Rm. DCC
– Disproportionate Minority Contact Juvenile Justice (DMC JJ) Group


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