Mark your calendars and register now . . . tho I’m not sure they really want people from Madison or advocates there . . .
2016 Dane County Housing Summit
Working Together to Expand Housing Opportunities
…Where residents, elected officials and stakeholders can meet, learn from each other and explore strategies to increase housing options in Dane CountyFriends and colleagues,
On behalf of the Dane County Housing Initiative (DCHI), we are contacting you to let you know about the upcoming 2016 Dane County Housing Summit on Wednesday, May 11 from 3:00-6:00 pm, at the Alliant Energy Center, and to invite you to join us!
The event is free and open to the public. Click here to register
What’s in store…
The topic for this year’s summit is exploring ways we can work together to increase housing opportunities for Dane County residents. Our wonderful high quality of life comes at a price, the high cost of housing. Unfortunately, the high quality of life we enjoy leaves many of our residents without adequate housing, causing harmful effects that have lifelong individual and community impacts.
Keynote speaker, Marah Curtis, PhD, UW Madison, will discuss national trends in housing and housing policy, and provide information on the health and social impacts on children and adults who experience housing instability.
· Five different breakout workshops will be held that offer community members, employers, elected officials and others the chance to learn about the issues, ask questions and develop their own housing tool kits.
· Get an update on the Dane County Affordable Housing Development Fund, 2015 projects, and find out what’s in store for 2016!Housing affordability is a complicated issue that has impacts on our employers, children, seniors and families – all communities. Join us, and let’s work together to ensure all Dane County residents have a place they can call home.
We hope to see you there!