Dane County Turns 175 in 2011

A day late, but interesting none-the-less.

Dane Co. Exec. Falk, Co. Supervisor McDonell: Invite group to plan for Dane County’s 175th anniversary celebration

Dane County Turns 175 in 2011

Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk and County Board Chair Scott McDonell announced today they’ve invited a committee of citizens to help the county plan for its 175th anniversary celebration in 2011.

The Dane County 175th Anniversary Planning Committee will lead the county’s efforts in organizing events for next year’s celebration. The committee will include community leaders from all walks of life including local artists, photographers and historians.

“Our county has grown and changed a great deal in 175 years and this anniversary offers the perfect opportunity to showcase Dane County’s rich history while looking forward to a very promising future,” County Executive Kathleen Falk said.

“We don’t often take the time to reflect on Dane County’s history and appreciate what makes this county special. This group will help map out a year of fun community events to help our nearly half-million citizens celebrate this notable anniversary,” County Board Chair Scott McDonell said.

A resolution to create the committee is being introduced by Chair McDonell at tonight’s (Thursday, June 3rd) county board meeting.

In 1836, Dane County was created out of sections of Milwaukee and Iowa counties and was constituted during the first session of the territorial legislature in Belmont on December 7th of that year. Dane County is named after Nathan Dane, framer of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, out of which the state of Wisconsin was formed.


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