Dane County Week Ahead 12/16/24

County board meets this week and a mammoth sized Personnel and Finance Committee agenda.

Monday, 12/16/24

3:45 PM Area Agency on Aging Board This is a Hybrid Meeting: Attend in person at 2865 N Sherman Ave, Conference Room 109; Attend virtually via Zoom.

5:30 PM Personnel & Finance Committee Hybrid Meeting: Attend in person at the City County Building in Room 351; attend virtually via Zoom.

Tuesday 12/17/24

3:45 PM Tree Board Hybrid Meeting: Attend in person at the Lyman Anderson building 5201 Fen Oak Dr; Meeting Room Driftless; attend virtually via Zoom.

  • Project & General Updates
    • Website
    • Midwest Climate Collaborative Conference
    • Heartwood Tree Company heritage oak tree sale
    • Heritage Oak School Trees
  • Discussion Items
    • Consider forming a small group to work on Arboriculture specs for Dane CO, which could/should include tree protection guidelines for construction etc.
      • Why? If we are asking folks to seek forestry’s input/approval on projects then we should have some guidelines for them to work from
      • Adam/Forestry cannot be everywhere all at once – so this guide can tell folks what should be happening/ how things should be “being planted” for example- this can also then stand for evidence for enforcement of poor work (i.e redo this to match the specs you were provided) As reference/starting block we can use the Village of Howard’s or the City of Racine’s guides
    • Thinking about how we can best serve communities with/about tree ordinances
      • We’d like to create a sample/”model” Tree Preservation ordinance for communities to have a starting place for their own Tree Preservation Ordinances
      • Ordinance tools (review some – I’ll send in a separate e-mail) can we do we want to make our own? Model of existing with Dane County tweaks or just host other’s stuff?
        • This is valid for both Regular Tree ordinances (AKA Tree Protection Ordinances) as well as Tree Preservation/heritage tree ordinances
      • How do we get folks to know about and use? Do we have a plan? Should we make one and what does that look like?
    • 3. Review/Add/Edit Dane County Tree Policy Resolution ingredients for forwarding on at the conclusion of the meeting. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uQl-NCzp4qnN2-1h8VQo2nEys5vzfs6d?usp=sharing
    • Discussion re: Madison College Tree Apprenticeship Program support letter
  • Action Items
    • Additional TB purchases (place holder).

5:30 PM Public Works & Transportation Committee HYBRID: In person at the Dane County Airport, Conference Room 1, 4000 International Lane, Madison, WI; attend virtually via Zoom – Joint Meeting of Public Works, Highway and Transportation Committee and the Airport Commission.

5:30 PM Airport Commission HYBRID: In person at the Dane County Airport, Conference Room 1, 4000 International Lane, Madison, WI; attend virtually via Zoom Joint Meeting of Public Works, Highway and Transportation Committee and the Airport Commission.

    • Approximately 63.6 acres of land located at 4000 Packers Avenue is encumbered by rights 7 reserved by the federal government in the original conveyance. The current property owners seek 8 to sell the property to a developer that intends to build approximately 716 apartments, 76 single 9 family homes, and 112 townhomes, but those rights prevent development of the property. One of 10 the beneficiaries of those rights was the City of Madison as the Airport Sponsor, and those rights 11 transferred to Dane County when it took over as Airport Sponsor. The Airport has evaluated its 12 need for those rights and has determined that its interests for the foreseeable future are 13 adequately addressed by other rules and regulations and that it can release its rights in 14 compliance with FAA regulations. Those regulations require that the Airport receive fair market 15 consideration when releasing or transferring property rights. As such, the Airport will receive 16 $500,000 in exchange for the release.
  • Title VI Plan – Joe Oby, Contract Compliance Specialist

5:30 PM Equal Opportunity Commission Hybrid Meeting: Attend in person at the City County Building in Room 356; attend virtually via Zoom.

6:30 PM Zoning & Land Regulation Committee Hybrid Meeting: Attend in person at the City County Building in Room 354; or Attend virtually via Zoom.

Wednesday, 12/18/24

12:00 PM Office for Equity and Inclusion Advisory Board Hybrid Meeting: Attend in person at the City County Building in Room 356; attend virtually via Zoom.

  • Action Items
    • RESJ PIE Grant
    • Chapter 15 Ordinance
  • Discussion Items
    • Tamara D. Grigsby Community Event
    • Scope Plan Input
    • Review of documents related to DEI

Thursday, 12/19/24

5:30 PM Executive Committee This is a hybrid meeting: Attend in person at City-County Building, Room 354, 210 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd; Attend virtually via Zoom.

7:00 PM County Board Hybrid Meeting: Attend in person at the City County Building in Room 201; attend virtually via Zoom.


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