Dark, Gloomy Round Up

And I’m not referring to the weather, but the mood of Wisconsin. Sad days. Sad, disgusting, gloomy days. So what do we do? Fight back! I hope you’re like me, that more it sucks, the harder I fight.


So little. The blog post I didn’t get done would have told you that the Economic Development Commission voted 6 – 1 with one abstention to recommend letting the Alcohol License Density Ordinance sunset and not making recommended changes to the ordinance. Blog post coming, but that’s my contribution to the news from yesterday.

They’re the new home to the Boombox Art!

Was a bad business? It’s out of business.

Goes to court to prevent overreaching disorderly conduct tickets for naked bike ride.


Can anyone keep track of the lawsuits any more?

Since the state courts ultimately will be a 4 – 3 vote. Say it with me, Kloppenburg!

Unless a federal judge stops it. LaFollette plans to take action on the 28th. Municipalities try to figure out what it means, need guidance from state.

Yeah, its the Democrats that abandoned the middle class. I’m still watching them fight on after midnight. Can’t sleep and can’t turn off the tv. Too bad reason doesn’t prevail.

I guess the republicans aren’t getting everything they need.


With speech and documents referred to.

Amy Mondloch shares here thoughts.



Birthday Party for Wisconsin Civil Service !
Friday, June 17
12:00 Noon
Plaza between GEF 2 & GEF 3
Corner of Webster St. and King St.

One block east of the Capitol Square (Across the street from the Argus)

Civil service has been stopping crony capitalism in Wisconsin since 1905. Since civil service and unions go together, union people are planning a party for WI Civil Service, because it’s turning 106. Expect party hats, favors, and birthday cake! And special birthday games to fit our times. Truly Remarkable Loon, the juggler, is coming. You won’t want to miss this! Those who wish to are encouraged to come dressed in party clothes of the 6 year old set. Here is a little background info on the Civil Service Law.

In the 1930s, when people saw that Wisconsin’s Civil Service system was under threat, they formed the first state employee union to shore it up. That pioneering union became AFSCME 1! It’s a timely and poignant moment to remember this moment in Civil Service history, and to celebrate Civil Service and labor unions. Join us for the party.

Contact: mike.imbrogno@gmail.com

Sponsored by the Ad Hoc Committee on Civil Service Celebrations


Wasteland Art Finds Temporary Home At EVP Coffee on E. Wash
Gypsy exhibit breeds participation and sheds light on the need for arts incubator space.

On Friday, June 17th, a group of murals created by Madisonians known as The Wasteland Art will go up in the patio at EVP Coffee, 1250 East Washington Ave.
Following the successful but short lived guerilla installation at Garver Feed Mill by the Johnson Radical Arts Collective (J-RAC), the sanctioned show (now in it’s third location) is the first outdoor exhibit that encourages people to create and add to the growing collection of wasteland-themed art. The show will serve as an incubator for a continuing series that will be numbered, photographed and cataloged as part of The Wasteland Art collection.

“In this case, the exhibit itself is the arts incubator,” said Drake Johnson, “it’s what local artists are hungry for – that’s why we (J-RAC) did the Garver show.”

The original mural project was created at June 5th’s Boombox The Wasteland and hosted by members of Firecracker Studios and ARTworking. The two local groups, along with Williamson Street Art Center, Absolutely Art, Home Depot and other individuals, supplied materials for the creation of the first round of Wasteland Art. The work now represents a collective creativity that is growing.

A Gypsy-inspired approach will allow people from around the city to experience the collaborative work and draw attention to the need for access to affordable incubator space for local artists. The work is sounding a call to act.

“Areas of Madison like the East Washington corridor are a wasteland of empty buildings” says J-RAC’s Big Johnson, “it’s time to unlock the doors and take steps to welcome Madison artists in.”

New works created at or brought to EVP can become part of the expanding family of Wasteland Art.

From Alder Anita Weier

More news on 402 Troy Dr. The proposed rezoning from Conservancy to Limited Manufacturing was scheduled for a public hearing Monday, June 20, before the Madison Plan Commission. However, the state Department of Administration, which has proposed the rezoning to allow construction of a museum storage facility, is now requesting another delay.

This time the reason will be that department attorneys have advised that an Environmental Assessment should be done. This decision came thanks to Northside resident Terri Reda, whose important position at the UW System gives her knowledge of such matters. She previously sent a message to me that this project must comply with the Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act and that it would require an Environmental Impact Statement or an Environmental Assessment. I forwarded that message to city planners, who sent it on to DOA, resulting in today’s decision to pursue an EA. Reda thinks the project requires an EIS, but the DOA is going in the other direction. However, both alternatives are written documents that require public review and comment.

I will relay more details as the process unfolds and there are opportunities for you to comment. It’s hard to tell when it would be completed and go to the city.

In any case, the Plan Commission will not be conducting its public hearing Monday. Nor will the City Council consider the matter on Tuesday.


On June 28, JoAnne will host a summer celebration event from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Vilas Park in Madison to thank all her wonderful supporters and to help retire the debt we have from the recount. I hope you can join us.

Throughout the race and the recount, the politics-as-usual pundits discounted the dedication and involvement of informed voters like you, and the appeal of a truly independent candidate like JoAnne. This was truly a grassroots campaign, and together we cast a hopeful vote for moving Wisconsin forward.

The recount was a critical part of ensuring free and fair elections in Wisconsin. We incurred significant costs in monitoring it and making sure it was done right. We’ve raised about $95,000 but we have tens of thousands of dollars remaining to cover all our costs. I hope you will consider sponsoring the event or making a donation of $25, $50, $100 or whatever is comfortable for you at kloppenburgforjustice .com. Your support for the recount, your recognition of its benefits and your help in defraying the costs are deeply appreciated.

If you cannot attend the event, I hope you will consider donating online at the Kloppenburg for Justice website or by sending a check to the Kloppenburg for Justice Committee, P.O. Box 5464, Madison, WI 53705.

Here are the details of this great event (you can also download the invitation):

Join JoAnne Kloppenburg for a Summer Celebration with musical guests Five Below

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Vilas Park Shelter
702 S Randall Avenue

Sponsor levels: $500, $250, $100. Suggested donation at the door $35, all donations gratefully accepted.

Please join us on June 28 for an evening of great music by Five Below and to help off-set the costs we incurred in making sure the recount was done right. If you have questions or need more information, please contact me at melissa@mmulliken.com or 608-206-1818.


Stressing the importance of offering nutritious meals to children during the summer months, the Goodman Community Center announces the sponsorship of the Summer Food Service Program.

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), which is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and is administered by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, provides nutritious meals to children during the summer, when free and reduced-price school meals are typically unavailable.

Free meals will be made available to eligible children 18 years of age and under. Persons over 18 years of age who are determined by a state or local public educational agency to be mentally or physically disabled and who also participate in a public or private non-profit school program during the regular school year may receive free meals as well.

The Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa St. , will be serving the free meals this summer.
A noon lunch ,
3 pm snack and
5 pm supper.

All meals are served in the LOFT (teen center) and are provided to eligible children regardless of race, color, national origin, age, gender or disability and there will be no discrimination in the course of meal service.

“This program fills a void created when school lunches are not available,” said Becky Steinhoff.“ Helping parents meet the nutritional needs of their children is the strength of this program.”


“The Re-Art SWAP”
Absolutely Art
June 26th from 9a-3p

It is time once again for Absolutely Art’s award winning Re-Art SWAP. We are proud to host our seventh SWAP in our beautiful backyard, 2322 Atwood Ave. We are conveniently located next to Café Zoma and on the Capital City Bike Trail. We have more bike parking than car parking so bike, bus or walk if you can. A rain date is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 18th 9a-3p.

Take this opportunity to clean out your studios, closets and garages for art supplies and useable items. Bring them to our Re-Art SWAP and try something new! Bring your items to Absolutely Art and we will assist you in finding the tables where they belong. Then wander the aisles of items to find your inspiration. Trades are made on a “leave what you don’t want, take what you will use” basis. No items to trade? That’s ok, we simply ask for a $5 contribution. Contributions go toward purchasing art supplies for local schools and community groups. Bring your own bag or box to carry your new found treasures home, remember this is a “green event”.

Ideas for trade and donation: beads, broken ceramic items, brushes, buttons, calendars, cardboard and mat board, clay, crayons, fabric samples, findings, gears, glass, industrial scrap/end caps & rolls, magazines, metal, office supplies, old vases, packing material, paint, paint swatches, pens, pencils, wood, paper, wallpaper books, screws, spools, stock photos, tools, unused yarn & string..

Volunteers are needed for this event. Please contact Meghan Blake-Horst at (608) 249-9100 or meghan@absolutelyartllc.com if you are interested in helping make this event a success. Shifts are available between 7am-5pm. Refreshments and an Absolutely Art Tee-Shirt will be provided for volunteers.

Visit our website or on Facebook for updates on this year’s Re-Art SWAP. Images are available upon request.


  1. Yes, too bad we can’t bring back the former mayor and Ronald Reagan, they could lead us into denial that every thing is just fine.

    Comfortable people love denial !


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