DATCP At It Again (Amish Raw Milk Farmer)

I just got this update, DATCP is out there again this morning.

DATCP officials are again out at the Hershberger’s farm in Logansville, WI, surrounding his buildings. They do not have any jurisdiction over his farm as he is a private individual, selling produce, etc, through a private coop. He does not require a license as he does not sell to the public. Therefore, DATCP does not have any authority over him or his store.

If you can, please go out and lend your support to his family. Surround DATCP. They are in the business of intimidation in this case.

I don’t know what the legal authority is, or if the person is correct about not needing a license, but this case seems very unusual. Why have they dug their heals in on this one?



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