Day of Action: YGB Events Today & Tomorrow

Today at 3:00, tomorrow at 7:00.

WEDNESDAY: Thousands to March on Institutions, Corporations, & Governor Walker for “We Rise,”

National Day of Action to Put People Over Politics

Madison, WI– The killing of Tony Robinson a 19 year old unarmed Black teenager by the Madison Police Department highlights the tragic symptoms of ongoing state violence that communities of color face in Wisconsin. Tired of politicians rigging the system on behalf of big corporations and the wealthy, thousands from across Wisconsin will converge on Madison and rise up to reclaim our state on March 11, 2015. Organizers demand fully funded public schools, a living wage for every Wisconsin worker, and systemic change so that communities of color can live free of mass incarceration and police violence.

Citing Governor Walker’s budget which will devastate Wisconsin for generations to come, and the continued police violence against black and brown communities, event organizers plan to engage in a series of direct actions against the institutions, corporations and elected officials that perpetuate racial and economic injustice in our neighborhoods. They say enough is enough.

On March 11, they’re joining with families around the country for “We Rise,” a national day of action in affiliation with National People’s Action, Center for Popular Democracy, and USAction. In 28 states across the country, families are taking to the streets, parks and state capitols to send a clear message: our statehouses and our cities belong to us. It’s time for legislators to enact our bold agenda to put people first.

WHO: Members of Wisconsin Jobs Now, Young, Gifted, and Black, Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES), SEIU Healthcare WI, Milwaukee Inner-city Congregations Allied for Hope (MICAH), 9to5 Wisconsin, Concerned Citizens of Wausau, SEIU Local 1, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 998, the Coalition for Justice, Ferguson to Madison, AFSCME DC-48, United Wisconsin, the African-American Roundtable, the International Socialist Organization and the Teaching Assistants’ Association (TAA).

3 pm – Direct action delivering demands relating to the murder of Tony Robinson. As well as delivering demands to those responsible for mass incarcerations
3:45 pm – March to second action site
4:15 pm – Direct action delivering demands to Madison corporation engaging in wage theft against workers
4:45 pm – March to third action site
5 pm – Direct action delivering demands to Governor Walker

WHEN: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 3pm – 7 pm

WHERE: 3 pm – Worthington Park, 3102 Worthington Ave, Madison, WI

Please contact Lisa Lucas 202-422-0752 or Jennifer Epps-Addison 414-213-7574 to find out location of 4 pm and 5 pm actions after the march has begun.

VISUALS: Signs, banners, directly impacted Wisconsin residents, marching

Social media channels to follow:




Young Gifted and Black Says NO to the New Jim Crow, Justice for Tony Robinson!
Madison, WI – March 11, 2015

On Today at 3 pm YGB will join Wisconsin Jobs Now, YES (Youth Empowered in the Struggle), other labor and economic justice group, and area youth who will walk out of their high schools to protest in front of the Department of Corrections (3099 E Washington Ave). The action demands justice for Tony Robinson and all those murdered by police and lost in our criminal system, an end to the school to prison pipeline, and a living wage for all.

“The state violence that leads to mass incarceration of Black people is the same state violence that leads a police officer to shoot an unarmed Black boy.” said YGB member Eric Upchurch. “Our opposition to efforts to renovate the jail is directly connected to our pursuit of justice for Tony Robinson.”

To show these linkages, on Thursday March 12 at 7 pm in Elvehjem L160 (800 University Ave) on UW’s campus, M. Adams of YGB and Nino Rodriguez of the MOSES Jail Taskforce will debate Sheriff David Mahoney and UW Professor Emeritus Doug Kramer. The debate will consider the following proposition: “Renovations to the Dane County Jail will ensure the safety of vulnerable populations in our community.” UW Madison Communication Arts Professor Sara L. McKinnon will moderate the debate and audience members will be able to ask questions.

Free childcare is provided, and parking is available in several convenient locations near the Elvehjem building. Information and updates are on Facebook.




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