Democracy Needs You!

Set your cynicism aside and join a committee! Think about it this way . . . you have two or three years to raise hell. Recently, the council discussed the snow shoveling at bus stops, because the committee pushed it, not any alders. And a a result of the embarrassment it caused, the Mayor has put $70K in the budget. You can make a difference, if you are willing to stand up for the community!

This is from Alder Rhodes-Conway on the openings. Again, many thanks to her for continuing to try to make the information that comes from the Mayor’s office usable! Tho it might not be entirely accurate, not Satya’s fault, but the information provided. And check out the responses from the neighborhoods below.

Do you want to apply to serve on a City Committee?

More information on City Committees is here:
If you’re interested, you can fill out an application here:
A list of vacancies is here:

Right now, there are vacancies on the following committees:

Administrative Review Board
Affirmative Action Commission (multiple positions)
Disabled Parking Enforcement Assistance Council (multiple positions)
Early Childhood Care and Education Committee
Economic Development Committee (small business owner)
Committee on Community Gardens
Madison Elections Advisory Committee
Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center Board
Parking Council for People with Disabilities
Public Safety Review Committee
Board of Public Works
Senior Citizens Advisory Committee
Sister City Collaboration Committee
Committee on Sweatfree Purchases

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you decide to apply!

Make sure to check out the list on the website.

When she sent this email out to here neighborhoods, she got the following responses:

Not me, not while Decider Dave’s the mayor. I don’t lick boots very well.

A second response was this:

I might be interested. What are the best opportunities to monkeywrench our mayor?

An interesting sign of the times . . . .


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