Dept. Operating Budget Submissions: Engineering, Water Utility, Sewer, Stormwater, Landfill, Fleet

And more departments . . .

The process is first the departments submit budget requests. The Tuesday in Sept the Mayor will have his capital (projects) budget done, the first Tuesday in October the Mayor will have his operating (daily costs to run the city) done. The Board of Estimate then will make changes to the budget and it will, in November, make it to the Common Council to vote. The calendar for the operating budget is here. The calendar for the capital budget is here. The Mayor’s instructions to the department on the operating budget asked them to

As you work with the Finance Department to prepare your agency budget requests, overall funding should not exceed 2013 amounts, except to fully fund already enacted commitments and certain cost-to-continue items. You should also prepare an alternate budget that includes specific proposals to reduce your requested budget by 3%.

with these stated priorities

I hope that we will be able to maintain essential city services next year as well as address issues relating to poverty in Madison. Boosting employment and stabilizing neighborhoods are key elements in strengthening our community, which will help our city budget in the long run.

Now that the departments have submitted their budgets, we have something to work with and people will be lobbying the mayor to get their items into his budget – so that is the target if you see something you like or don’t like! or 266-4511. The lobbyist are getting paid a lot to get what they want, mere citizens are largely not a part of the process at this point, unless YOU do something about it! Each step along the way means there are less and less changes left to be made as they approach the levy limits imposed by the state restricting how much they can spend. Next year, lobby your department heads! 🙂 And, your alders can (may not) have this information now, so you can start in on them as well! (


Documents submitted

Budget Highlights
1. Continuation of existing services with no planned customer rate increase in 2014.


Documents submitted
Budget Highlights
1. Funding for continuation of existing services.
2. Continued non-funding of a Custodial Services Coordinator and a half FTE Custodial Worker 1 in the Facilities Operations & Maintenance service.


Documents submitted

Budget Highlights
1. 4.9% increase in the estimated charges from the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD).
2. $723,000 estimated increase in debt service costs. Debt service continues to rise given that no prior bond issuance will be paid off until 2021.
3. An estimated 6% customer revenue increase.


Documents submitted
Supplemental request 1
$25,000 – System to handle annual subscription of diagnostic software for engines, transmissions, brake systems, and chassis manufacturers on multiple laptops in multiple locations
Supplemental request 2
$20,000 – Update two older air conditioning service machines.
Add two new air conditioning service machines to accommodate new refrigerants that are not compatable with current machines used.
No 1 Reduction
$47,996 – Replace Salary funding for current open position. Tire Repair Worker CG-RG 15-06 Funding not requested in order to make 2014 operating budget 3% potential reduction plan.
No 2 Reduction
$54,630 – Replace Salary funding for current vacant position due to retirement. 1 Auto Maintenance Worker II CG-RG 15-05 Funding not requested for 2014 in order to make 2014 potential reduction of 3%.
2014 No 3 Reduction
$100,700 – Delay replacement of mid size sedans in 2014 until 2015 if needed in order to meet potential reductions of 3%.
Budget Highlights


Documents submitted
Budget Highlights
1. No increase in Streets Division charges related to street sweeping and leaf collection.
2. $1,168,100 increase in debt service due to increase borrowing expected in 2013.
3. An estimated 5% customer revenue increase.


Documents submitted
Main Budget Document
Budget Highlights
1. A revenue bond issue of approximately $23 million is expected in December 2013. The bond proceeds will fund the balance of the Utility’s 2013 capital budget and part of the 2014 capital budget. The costs of servicing the debt are included in the 2014 operating budget request. The last bond issue was in December 2012.

2. The Utility plans to file a formal 22% rate increase application with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin by the end of 2013. In 2012, the Utility planned to file for a 12% rate increase, which was not needed. The revenue in the 2014 operating budget request includes the 22% rate increase beginning with the August 2014 customer billing. The last rate increase of 9% was granted over three years ago in May 2011.

3. The Utility expects to complete its implementation of an Advanced Metering Infrastructure called Project H2O by the end of 2013. In addition, starting in April 2014, the Utility will be converting its semiannual metered accounts to monthly, which will help customers in budgeting for a lower monthly billing.


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